
The Bible Mission is able to support your Brothers and Sisters in Caribbean and Latin America Ecclesias thanks to the support of generous individual and Ecclesial donations. We welcome all levels of donation, whether it’s a one-time gift, a monthly donation, or a substantial gift bequeathed through your estate or trust.

Conveniently donate through automatic deposit or credit card

To make an immediate contribution, button below. Donations can be made using either your Checking Account, Credit Card or PayPal. This is a secure website, and all of your personal information will be protected. The link below offers contribution options for both U.S. and Canadian donors.


cbma tutoring

Leave a specific dollar amount, or a certain percentage of your estate

“Planned Giving” plans such as outright gifts, living trusts, bequests in wills, life insurance or retirement plan gifts, real estate property gifts, and various charitable trusts or annuities, among others can be discussed with a trusted financial advisor. There are income tax deductions and possible savings in estate taxes associated with these types of gifts.

Download the sample bequest PDF

If you are more comfortable with sending a check or want to discuss how to handle a “planned” gift you have decided to make, please contact:

United States
c/o Bro. Jeff Gelineau
567 Astorian Drive
Simi Valley, CA 93065

PO Box 55541, Unit 119
15280 101 Avenue
Surrey, BC V3R 0J7

Click here to download a list of the various ways you can donate

Special appeals

Emergency appeals and special mission projects such as “Faith at Work” arise throughout the year to fund special projects or respond to emergencies like fires, storms and hurricanes. These appeals are sent to the Recording Brother of each ecclesia and immediate funding for these requests are especially appreciated.

Looking for Guidance?

We’ve prepared a few suggested steps to take on long term giving, depending on your age:

If you are
18-55 years old

“Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.
– Proverbs 27:33

This is a time of growth and stability for yourself and your family. This is a time for you to focus on building your family and career. Prudent and thoughtful believers should be focusing on how best to serve their God. their Ecclesia and their Family while planning and building for a future that will adequately support the loved ones in your life.

Planning for your Family
Your goals for this point in your life are to financially provide for yourself and your family:

  • Consider a Living Will
  • Consider a Power of Attorney
  • Consider a Retirement Plan

Planning to Help Others
You can extend your support to include the work of the Bible Mission:

  • Consider a Monthly Donation to CBMA
  • Consider including the CBMA in your will
  • Consider designating a portion of your Life Insurance to the CBMA
  • Consider designating a percentage of your Retirement Plan assets to the CBMA

If you are
55-70 years old

“One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:24-25

This is an ideal time to consider Estate Planning. Faithful stewards should focus on how best to serve the Lord with not just their time, but their resources as well. We seldom need as much as we actually have, and providing for others is pleasing to God.

Planning for your Family
The goal of Estate Planning is to NOT have to focus on money:

  • Consider reviewing your Will in light of your changing circumstances
  • Consider Mission Work in Retirement
  • Consider organizing your documents

Planning to Help Others
At this point in your life you can be an invaluable help to the Bible Mission:

  • Consider increasing your Monthly Donation to the CBMA
  • Consider gifting Stock to the CBMA
  • Consider a Charitable Remainder Annuity for the benefit of the CBMA

If you are
70+ years old

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the truth riches?” -Luke 16:10-11

There is probably no other time in your life when you can do more for the Lord. Productive Servants not only give their time, but are able to share the bounty that the Lord has blessed them with.

Planning for your Family
Give thought on how BEST to help your family:

  • Consider the effect of an Inheritance
  • Consider supporting young people who are interested in serving the Lord
  • Consider helping your grown children in their service to the Lord

Planning to Help Others
You can support the Bible Mission like at no other point in your life:

  • Consider a gift of Real Estate to CBMA
  • Consider giving your Life Insurance to the CBMA
  • Consider a Charitable Trust for the benefit of the CBMA