Starting Fresh

Bring the Truth to a new country, island or city where no active preaching is currently being done!

Are you interested in putting together a small team of brethren and sisters in your ecclesia willing to dedicate their spare time for a 3 year effort in a new area?

Mission work does not start when one gets off the plane in a far away country. It begins with the placement of advertisements offering literature and correspondence courses and filling the requests and reviewing and answering the questions that come up as people complete the correspondence courses. When, with God’s blessing, sufficient interest has been shown, you can then make the exciting arrangements for a lecture series in a public meeting room. The lectures can to be advertised, people invited, a speaker prepared, and travel arrangements made. And then the day comes when you get off the plane in a far away country and meet for the first time the people with whom you have been in contact. It may seem overwhelming and while it is a lot of work, it’s worth it! to see your efforts come to fruition is exciting and uplifting and it’s amazing to be able to preach the gospel to people who otherwise might never have had the opportunity to understand their Bibles and follow Christ.

You’re not expected to do this on your own. The CBMA/CBMC team is here with open arms to provide guidance, assistance and funding.

Submit this form to get started or contact us if you have any questions!