Baptizing Individuals. Building Ecclesias. Preaching the Gospel.

Spreading the Gospel in the Caribbean and Central & South America since 1969

Languages: Spanish
Ecclesias: 8 members – 1 ecclesia
Contact: Shimon & Joanna Spina
St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines
Languages: English
Ecclesias: 11 members – 1 ecclesia
Contact: Mike LeDuke
Languages: Spanish
Ecclesias: 6 members - 1 ecclesia
Contact: Jim Hunter
February 10, 2025
The Opening of the Prison
By Nathan Badger (Cambridge Ecclesia, ON) with George Constantine (Arima Ecclesia, Trinidad)
Can you imagine spending thirty-two years in prison? Or any time in prison? For most of us, this is not a typical life experience. In early August I visited Trinidad and Tobago (TT) to attend the Ecclesial Bible School. One of my wishes was to finally visit Bro. George Constantine in the Maximum-Security Prison. My dad and mom met him in prison several times and I was moved by the depth of the letters he would regularly send them. So, I was thankful on this trip that my mom and I had been granted the opportunity to spend forty-five precious minutes with him in the prison. continue reading
January 13, 2025
Guyana Expo Preaching Campaign
By Bro. Mark Carr (Link Brother for Guyana) and Sis. Dawne (member of Georgetown, Guyana)
In November of 2024 what started off as an “interesting opportunity” for a preaching campaign in Georgetown Guyana, quickly turned into an extraordinary experience for the proclamation of the gospel for the brethren and sisters of the Demerara Ecclesias. In early October it was announced by the Guyana Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce that the GuyExpo would take place in the local fair grounds in the heart of Georgetown on the weekend of November 14th through the 17th. continue reading
January 13, 2025
Second Baptism in Panama
By Bro. Ian Neblett, Link Brother for Panama
Marta Dutton was baptized on October 6, 2024 at the Panama City ecclesia. She is the daughter of our late Sis. Jean and sister of Sis. Loretta who currently attends the Colon ecclesia. Marta had been faithfully attending our joint meeting (between Panama and Colon) ever since the Covid outbreak back in 2020. continue reading