Daily Readings

Snippet Writer

“Location, location, location” is the mantra of real estate.  

“Content, content, content” is that of the internet.

As we continue to expand our internet preaching capabilities in both English and Spanish, we need volunteers who can write snippets on the daily readings.

The CBMA is actively looking for brothers and sisters to write these short snippets to help with preaching via social media in Latin America.

Job Description

Snippet writers provide short commentary on the daily readings (following the daily reading planner), and we translate that content into Spanish and use it to bolster our social media preaching campaigns.


  • How long is a snippet?
    • 100 – 300 words is ideal
  • How often are the snippets needed?
    • 2 – 4 times per week.
  • Do I have to use the daily readings?
    • Yes, we ask that you please stay on schedule and connected to the readings.
  • Do I need to know Spanish?
    • No, your snippet will be translated into Spanish by the web team.
  • What approach should I use?
    • Simple and direct is better than complicated and wandering.
  • Who can volunteer?
    • Sisters and Brothers are welcome to become snippet writers.
  • How long is my commitment to be a snippet writer?
    • 3 months to ???.

If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact Bro. Kevin Hunter at kjhesdi@gmail.com.