Supporting Truth Corps

If you are not in the target age range for Truth Corps, there are still plenty of ways to be a part of the program. 

Contact David and Cassie Giordano for more information.


Christadelphian Truth Corps

Becoming a Truth Corps Host Ecclesia

Hosting Truth Corps is a a one of a kind experience that can provide immediate and long term benefits for your ecclesial family. If there is any outreach effort you’ve been thinking of trying, such as publicizing seminars, vacation Bible schools or a community open house, the team can assist with whatever you need. In addition, young people in your ecclesia will participate in many of the team activities, building spiritual friendships and enthusiasm for future preaching.

Typically, the team will visit a host ecclesia for 1-2 weeks. The expenses for host ecclesia are generally limited to meals for the team, automobile use and costs associated with advertising or the actual program(s) for the work of the team.  Subsidies may be available if the cost is prohibitive to an ecclesia.  Truth Corps has worked equally well for large and small ecclesias.  If you are interested in becoming a host ecclesia, please contact me at the information listed above.

Download the Becoming A Host Ecclesia Member Flyer (PDF)

Becoming a Truth Corps Leader

One of the most important elements of the Truth Corps experience is the team leaders. Ideally, this is a married couple with many years of ecclesial experience who enjoy working with young people. Team leaders facilitate training for the team and guide them to function as a self-directed group, providing advice and mediation when needed.

Team leaders can volunteer for anywhere from a week to the full course of the program. This can represent a substantial sacrifice of time which is not possible for many couples, but all who have taken on this role have expressed how fulfilling it has been.

Training and support is provided for first-time team leaders. Previous participants in Truth Corps are ideal candidates, though it is not a requirement.

For those interested in becoming a team leader, please complete the CBMA Volunteer Information Form below or contact David and Cassie Giordano directly at

Download CBMA Volunteer Information Form (PDF)