Ecclesia Partners

Often ecclesias have a thirst to make contributions to ecclesias in foreign lands and wish to do so as an ecclesial team. This program is designed to allow North American ecclesias to have one or more “partner” ecclesias in Latin America and/or the Caribbean. Over time, and under the direction of the CBMA, North American ecclesias can provide tangible and long-term assistance for partner ecclesias within a country.

Partner ecclesias in North America form a team and work closely with the Country Link Brother. Together, a mission program is developed for the specific country, to include advertisement and tutoring for correspondence courses, coordination of pastoral and preaching visits, supporting the work of the Sunday school, providing short-term mission workers and developing important bonds of fellowship with partner ecclesias.

In addition to the valuable and practical help provided to these offshore ecclesias, there is significant value provided for the North American Partner ecclesias, to include development of their young people and preparation for future ecclesial leadership.

If your ecclesia would like more information about Ecclesial Partnership opportunities, please contact:

Bro. Dennis Paggi at or Bro. Bill Hlina at