July 20, 2018

Jamaica News


Since our last submission, we have benefitted greatly from the services of Brother David and Sister Cassie Giordano (current in-field missionaries) at several of the Island ecclesias, with our youth and in our homes.  Brother David spoke at the February 14thAsh Wednesday Fraternal in the Broughton Ecclesial Hall on the theme – “The gods of the Bible: Idle Worship” – a topic which laid the groundwork for the lively discussion groups!  An All-Island Fraternal was help on Easter Monday April 2ndat the Round Hill Ecclesial Hall – Jamaican brothers lead the day’s studies on the topic of “Interpreting the time – What have we become after our baptism?”.

This year we only had activities on the Monday of the Easter Weekend (not the usual 4-day Easter Youth Camp), since we, along with the CBMC, are focusing our efforts and funding on the Triennial Christadelphian Caribbean Youth Camp (CCYC2018) in Jamaica, God willing, from Friday August 11thto Saturday, August 18th.  Many from North America have volunteered to support the Camp, as well as Truth Corps – we are thankful for the assistance!

On Saturday, May 5thsisters from across the Island spent a pleasant time together at Hope Gardens in Kingston.  Their studies were based on “Women of the Bible” – Esther and Deborah were reviewed.  All events have been well attended this year.

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