February 3, 2017

Costa Rica Year-End Conference

By Bro. David Collister

The year-end conference in Costa Rica took place from the 23rd to the 25th of December, 2016, with just over 40 attending. The campground is a beautiful site they have used for quite a few years with comfortable cabins with bunk beds and hot water for showers. The location is very picturesque, full of lots of big shade trees and lush tropical vegetation and a lovely swimming pool with a fountain. The campground also has a dining hall where a staff prepares hearty, typical Costa Rican food for the campers.

The committee does a wonderful job of organizing the weekend down to the last detail, making sure attendees are able to enjoy a spiritual weekend in a beautiful, rustic setting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, even though the location is only about a half-hour away from the town of Santa Barbara de Heredia where many of the members of the ecclesia live.

This year, the theme of the conference was patience, and many activities were organized around this theme, including a team activity in which members were put in groups of eight and then were asked to present to the rest of the group Bible examples of patience. Brother Jaime Mate, from El Salvador, gave the exhortation on Sunday, also on the subject of Patience. Brother David Collister, from Verdugo Hills Ecclesia, California, USA, gave a series of three classes to the adults on People Who Jesus Knew, drawing lessons from several people who Jesus healed during his ministry. Brother David also gave a brothers’ class on the topic of the dangers of Humanism.

The young people enjoyed a series of classes by Sister Karla Mate from El Salvador about using what we have available to us, especially technology, for the furthering of the truth. Sister Karla also gave a sisters’ class.

Saturday evening was fun, with a puppet show about Saul and David by the Mates from El Salvador, and a black theater number as well as several skits by the Costa Ricans. After this, there were activities outside, including a bonfire, singing, snacks and hot chocolate, and time to chat. The attendees had plenty of time to enjoy fellowship with each other and to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, and everyone left the campground refreshed spiritually.

Written by Bro. David Collister, Costa Rica Link Brother

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