February 25, 2019

Baptism in El Salvador

By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter

We’re very happy to announce the baptism in San Salvador of our new sister Rebeca Fernández, 23, on December 28, 2018.  Being the daughter of Bro. Manuel and Sis. Silvia Fernández, Rebeca grew up in the meeting. Her decision to become part of the family of God, following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, has given much joy to her parents and her ecclesial family. Since the baptism was held on the eve of the annual Bible school, most of those from abroad were already in town. Consequently the San Salvador hall was filled to overflowing, with more than 100 of us present to witness the event.

Bro. Manuel both baptized his daughter and gave the talk, highlighting the accomplishments of the women of God in the Bible and encouraging Rebeca to follow their example. Afterwards the ecclesia served a delicious supper of pupusas and empanadas and many stayed until late, welcoming our new sister and enjoying each other’s fellowship and friendship.

Written by Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter

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