July 22, 2024

Baptism in St. Lucia

By Bro. Mike LeDuke, Link Brother for St. Lucia

My latest trip to St. Lucia followed the visit of Brother Martin and Sister Lois Webster in January and lasted from March 17 to April 24 of this year. The two high points of my trip were the visit of Brother Tony and Sister Lola Puim, of the Cambridge, Ontario, Ecclesia, and the baptism of Sister Nasha Louis.

Brother Tony and Sister Lola were on a cruise vacation and their ship stopped in St. Lucia for the day on March 27. They got in touch with me and we spent a lovely day together. The Puims are old friends and were members for many years of the Ecclesia I attend, Kitchener-Waterloo. I really enjoyed their company and stimulating conversation over lunch at the “Caribbean Pirates” restaurant. If you are ever on vacation in a land far away from home, I can’t stress enough how valuable it is to visit local missionaries. It is so encouraging and especially so if the missionary, as was I, is “flying solo” as it were!

On Sunday, April 7th, Nasha Louis was baptized into Christ at Vigie Beach, Castries, St. Lucia. During a thorough interview on the previous Thursday, she gave a good confession of her understanding of the gospel with two local witnesses present, Sister Dawn Hutchinson and Brother Julian Jackson.

Sister Nasha had completed the Exploring the Bible course on thisisyourbible.com and consequently requested baptism. Brother Martin Webster and I first met Nasha briefly in early February 2021 at a local radio station where she worked. This was just before the lockdowns were put in place due to the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak. It was a brief encounter, and, as we had no opportunity to follow-up with the station, we didn’t expect to hear from her again.

Sis. Nasha, in front row with green slacks

During a subsequent visit in November of 2022, I providentially met her again while walking down the road near the Mission House. I struck up a conversation with her and gave her a “thisisyourbible.com” business card. Much to my surprise (“Oh, me of little faith!”), she registered for Exploring the Bible and submitted her lesson responses regularly with insightful answers and comments and excellent questions. Upon my return to Canada, we kept in touch with regular ZOOM Bible Classes which, before long, morphed into pre-baptismal classes. Brother Martin and Sister Lois Webster had sessions with her during their visit in January of this year.

Nasha is a good student with a caring nature and, with God’s blessing, will prove to be a valuable addition to the Lord’s family in St. Lucia.

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