Languages: English
Ecclesias: 6 members – Grand Bahama
Main Religion: Christian (Mainly Protestant)
Contact: Ted Hodge Jr.


Visits will be planned to continue supporting ecclesia. If you are visiting the Bahamas, or if you wish to help, please contact the link brother.

News from Bahamas
July 12, 2019
The Bahamas Fraternal
By Bro. Ted Hodge
On Friday February 1st, 2019 we (Bro. Ted and Sis. Karen Hodge from the Hamilton Book Road ecclesia) arrived in Nassau, Bahamas and were warmly welcomed by Sis. Penny Cates.  Sis. Penny now widowed, lives on the island with her daughter Tami close by.  Her home was cheerfully opened for the Bahamas fraternal which included accommodations for Bro. Kemraj and Sis. Chandra Ramnath who travelled on Saturday from Grand Bahama. continue reading