Languages: English
Ecclesias: 30 members – Bank Hall, Barbados South
Main Religion: Christian (Mainly Protestant)


There is an Easter Bible School and several visits each year from visiting brethren and sisters. advertising has been done in the local newspapers with good results.

News from Barbados
July 2, 2024
Visit to Barbados
By Bro. Ian Macfarlane
We have had the pleasure to visit Barbados since 2019. During this time, we have been able to learn from and get to know the lovely brother and sisters that live on this beautiful Island. continue reading
June 4, 2024
Update / Status Report on
By CBMA/C News
Quite a bit of progress has been made in the past few years on a Spanish language online Bible study platform at managed by Bro. Kevin Hunter. As you will see below, he has put together a group of Brothers and Sisters volunteering from all over the world. continue reading
June 20, 2022
Fraternal Gathering in Barbados
By Bro. Ian Macfarlane, Link for Barbados
The ecclesia in Barbados held their annual Fraternal Gathering on April 15 -18, 2022. Overseas visitors this year included Bro. Larry and Sis. Karon Deakin from Venice, Florida, as well as the CBMC link couple Bro. Ian and Sis. Judy Macfarlane from Hamilton, Canada. continue reading
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