August 6, 2024

A Financial Appeal

By Phil Snobelen, CBMC Treasurer

Our Bible Missions entered 2024, prayerfully, with ambitious plans for new projects and special events. Now into the second half of the year, with thanks to our Heavenly Father, these projects are in full swing.

Project Cost
Guyana Bus Purchase $19,000 CAD
Antigua Mission House Buld (estimate) $100,000 CAD
Labiblia, Enhanced Spanish Language Preaching $60,000 USD
North America Refugee Support (budget) $73,000 USD
Caribbean Christadelphian Youth Camp (budget) $90,000 CAD


These projects are at the core of Bible Mission values: baptizing individuals, building ecclesias, and preaching the gospel. They attest to the vision and energy of brothers and sisters, both local members and mission volunteers, working together and pursuing preaching and pastoral opportunities. We rejoice together knowing that our Lord blesses His brothers and sisters who love and serve Him, praying for God’s word to reach the hearts of many.

Benefits from these investments of time and financial resources will touch many lives and reach long into the future, by God’s grace. Our ask of each one of you: pray for the work and donate. Your donation may be specified for one of these projects or for general use (we can allocate funds as needed).


Guyana Bus Purchase

Kilcoy once was a thriving ecclesia, actively proclaiming the gospel to the community around them.  However, over time membership reduced to a handful of members who continued witnessing but responses were less and less.

In 2023, an exciting new initiative was undertaken in Kilcoy to create a community Sunday School and Youth Group based in the hall and holding annual Vacation Bible schools for children in the community. The Sunday School has grown to as many as 32 children, and the CYC Youth Activities as many as 14 young adults and teenagers on a Saturday afternoon.  Bro John and Sis Dinah Pillion of the Seattle ecclesia have weekly CYC Zoom classes, forming an incredible bond with these young adults.

CBMC link brothers worked with the brethren and learned transportation to the Hall on a Sunday morning is a priority and the purchase of a bus was the solution.


Many of the children who attend are community children; ensuring that they get to the hall is a vital link in the success of activities. Not only will the bus be used for Sunday School and CYC activities, but it will serve to strengthen ties with the second Berbice Ecclesia in New Amsterdam, fostering joint ecclesial memorial services, joint Sunday School, and other activities. The bus was purchased and is stationed at Kilcoy.


Antigua Mission House

In 2023 CBMC approved a re-energized fulltime missionary program with brother Albert Washi returning in November, subsequently obtaining his work permit. The ecclesia needs the stability of a brother and good influence to keep the young people growing in the Truth.

With land available adjacent to the ecclesial hall, brothers Clive Solomon and Albert have constructed a mission house, now nearing completion.


We rejoice at this progress, now a suitable residence for Albert’s wife and three children to join him later in the year. Keep praying for this ecclesia.


La Biblia, Enhanced Preaching

Progress continues on a Spanish language online Bible study platform at managed by Bro. Kevin Hunter.  The team is a group of Brothers and Sisters volunteering from all over the world.

Bro. Casmon Gordon, on Facebook, with a mix of thoughts with verses, snippets pointing to other website content; our mainstay, Bro. Steve DeMarco with highlights on the daily readings. Our goal is to connect people back to the main website ( as well as keep an active social media presence.

Sis. Rebeca Binch in Indiana continues to manage advertising for the various Latin American regions, Sis. Silvia Fernandez in El Salvador; several members of the Santa Barbara de Heredia ecclesia have joined the team; Sis. Marie Cooper works on Argentina; Siss. Pati & Beti Vasquez in San Salvador work with students in Uruguay/Paraguay/Chile; Sis. Nishla Neblett in Panama, Sis. Zully in Guatemala, and Sis. Marcela and Sis. Sandra, are team members. Truly international!

Requests for postal course lessons from southern California students are managed by Sis. Jean Hunter, for other areas, these are sent by Bro. Larry & Sis. Marie Cooper.

Bro. Jason and his team continue to work on systems, currently creating a new messaging platform

Our community has been preaching in Latin America for more than 60 years, and opportunities to get involved are abundant. Pray for this international team spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.


North America Refugee Support

For some time, CBMA has helped support an ecclesia in the midwest to provide travel and preaching support for Swahili speaking Christadelphian refugees and their families in that area.

Refugees continue to arrive, often in locations remote from an ecclesia. CBMA and CBMC are committed to support local ecclesias to integrate refugees into ecclesial life, CYC and Sunday School activities. This is ecclesial support, finances for preaching and pastoral support for the expanding group of Swahili speaking brothers and sisters who are refugees.


Caribbean Christadelphian Youth Camp

The CCYC has a long history and is back after Covid! Planned and coordinated by a committee of Caribbean brothers and sisters, with bro Ben Drepaul as link with CBMC.

The camp is scheduled for August 7-17, in Trinidad. Youth from across the Caribbean, along with their leaders, will be joined by some campers from North America. Bro Josh Hodge will lead studies from the life of Samson. What a wonderful opportunity for young people to make new friendships and explore the word of God, together.

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