Bible Truth Campaign in Jamaica

From April 6th to April 14th the Christadelphian Bible Mission of Jamaica organized a number of ecclesial activities across the Island. They all started with a “Bible Truth Campaign” at the May Pen Ecclesial Hall on Saturday, April 6th. Advertising flyers were distributed prior to and on the Saturday for the 2 public lectures – “The Gospel of Prosperity – for love of money or love of neighbor” (dealing with the tithe appeal of many churches versus the Scriptural principle of giving) and “The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth” (as opposed to the false doctrines related to heaven and hell). A large banner was also displayed on the front of the Hall for the 2 weeks previous, and then moved to the street-side of a large marquee that was erected in front of the Hall for the activities. Approximately 80 members and young people from 9 of the 11 ecclesias arrived in the morning for flyer distribution. After a hot lunch, the first talk was presented at 3 pm with some regular visitors present. In the late afternoon, a session of the daily Bible Readings took place under the marquee followed by sandwiches and then the second lecture at 7:30. Six first-time visitors were in attendance on this occasion, and several are continuing to come out to weekly meetings! It was a full and rewarding day, and some members had close to 3 hours of travel ahead of them, after the evening meeting, before they would arrive home. The other good news is that other ecclesias are now thinking of organizing preaching outreach this year as well.

The CBMC supported the activities during the 9 days through the presence of Brother Don Luff. From Sunday April 7th through to Friday April 14th Breaking of Bread Services and Bible Classes were held at the Spanish Town, Port Maria, Argyle Mountain, Round Hill and White Horses Ecclesias – as well as with members in isolation in the Norwood/Montego Bay area. The hospitality and fellowship enjoyed with the brotherhood across the Island was indeed heart-warming!

The other special activity was a Mutual Improvement Day held at the May Pen Hall on Saturday, April 13th. There were 34 members and young people from 7 different ecclesias at the 3 sessions. The first session in the morning before lunch dealt with the importance of Bible reading, presiding guidelines and the purpose of an exhortation. During the second session after a nice hot lunch, brothers who were given chapters to read and topics for impromptu short talks during the lunch break, were called upon to put into practice what was reviewed in the morning session. The third session consisted of an actual (mini) Breaking of Bread Service which lasted about 45 minutes. This allowed brothers the opportunity to practice and improve on prayers, readings, exhortation content and presentation – as well as presiding. Although there were constructive comments made by those in attendance during the first 2 sessions, there were no remarks allowed following the Service – any comments could be made directly to the brother after the end of the 3rd session. A table was set up for sign-up sheets for 9 sample booklets and books on display. The items consisted of foundational works like Preaching the Truth (by William H. Brown), Preparing for Baptism (CBMUK version), Living the Truth and the Christadelphian Instructor. It was a very beneficial day for all – especially due to the fact that there was a good spirit of mutual respect and encouragement!
It was a rewarding time in Jamaica and God willing, we look forward to more of the same in the future!