Ongoing Preaching in Mexico
Our current efforts at electronic preaching began about six months before the pandemic began. They had been working on getting sufficient software to be able to put our classes and breaking of bread online live and recorded for those who were unable to attend in person. They use Uber Conference, as they are easily available with a single phone number that never changes and without need of a PIN number. Anyone can call the number Sis Cynthia Paiva de Lopez will be alerted when someone in online. In Mexico, the Internet service and data prices are still quite high for most of the population, but unlimited cell service, which includes the US, is readily available by all cell companies and not at high cost. Most brothers and sisters and students access with a Smartphone to listen to the classes. They also project the material being presented visually for any who can access by Internet. They choose not to show themselves in the videos, as it uses much bandwidth and too many are unable to sustain connection due to poor Internet services here.

Sis. Cynthia also does a WhatsApp group call to those who do not have free US calling and want to connect to the live class. They also send out messages to the WhatsApp groups 15 minutes before the classes start and make downloadable electronic copies of the studies for all who wish to have them. The classes are recorded by Uberconference, and for the most part is of good quality if the individuals are having decent reception. From the live recordings and other recordings done by Bro Gabriel, they edit by removing pauses, names, and errors in speech, and sometimes re-read passages if the audio is not good. They prepare PowerPoint material to be presented, and then coordinate it with the audio. They export this into video which is uploaded to YouTube for anyone to watch. The YouTube channel is called “Estudios Biblicos Cristadelfiano Mexico.” Anyone can subscribe and receive notices of new material when it arrives. They have playlists of some current and past classes such as Genesis, Exploring the Bible, Building Marriage, a study on prophesy, 11 Important Bible themes, and other pamphlets. It takes many hours in the editing and production process, so they have many series which are still in process. There is still much work to be done.

They have begun to promote the work to former and current contacts via email, WhatsApp, cell messages, with the letters which go out with first course requests and flyers. The ability to send things electronically is a blessing and there are no mailing costs associated with it. They have dedicated phone numbers, WhatsApp groups and emails in both Guadalajara and Jalisco Sur ecclesias.