May 27, 2023

Quito, Ecuador Convivencia (Bible School)

By Bro. Ian and Sis. Nishla Neblett, Colon Ecclesia, Panama

¨Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!¨ Psalm 133:1

Although the brothers and sisters from the 9 different countries do not live together, our temporary dwelling for the Bible school felt like a prelude to the kingdom.    In attendance, were brethren from Argentina, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, the United States, Panama, Mexico, and the host nation of Ecuador.  The ´Hosteria El Cana´, in the city of Guayllabamba was the location for the Convivencia 2023 Quito, Ecuador, in which all the classes for the approximately 60 attendees were given in Spanish.   Interesting fact: The airport in Quito lies 2,813 meters above sea level while the Bible school´s location is 2,142 above sea level.  Therefore, the first thrilling experience was the speedy, winding, descending drive around the mountainous terrain, but that paled in comparison to the rest of the week´s edification and fellowship activities.

Upon arrival, warm, fraternal greetings from the organizers awaited all the attendees.  Even the hotel staff greeted visitors at the airport.  Bro. Kevin and Sis. Rebekah Hunter and the brothers and sisters from the Ecuador ecclesia did a commendable job arranging room assignments, meals, evening events, and the calendar of classes for both adults and children.

The adult studies were led by Bro. Kevin Hunter, from the United States, and Bro. Diego Vargas, from Costa Rica.  Bro. Kevin guided us through important themes found in the book of Daniel while making key connections to the book of Revelation.  Bro. Diego provided an in-depth analysis of the topic of preserving the family of faith by utilizing various key passages.

The children’s classes were facilitated by an effective collaboration of brothers and sisters who initially coordinated their efforts using a WhatsApp chat group. The young scholars were introduced to various topics in the book of Daniel, and the Parables of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.  The lessons were accompanied by hands-on activities via the creation of lap books and other various crafts.   Additionally, the youngsters were provided with a physical education program which gave them an opportunity to stretch their legs while cementing the bonds of friendship.

Both adults and children helped the facilitators by reading passages, asking questions, and offering additional perspectives.  This collective effort reminded me of the passage found in Ephesians 4:16, With Christ as our head, “the whole body [from various nations] were fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplied, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part and made an increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”

On behalf of all the organizers and attendees, I would like to thank the Bible Mission for their loving contribution.  This Bible school was blessed with beautiful weather, fun activities, delicious food, vital studies, and precious fellowship.  We are looking forward to next year´s installment if our Lord should remain away.   

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