July 12, 2019

The Bahamas Fraternal

By Bro. Ted Hodge

On Friday February 1st, 2019 we (Bro. Ted and Sis. Karen Hodge from the Hamilton Book Road ecclesia) arrived in Nassau, Bahamas and were warmly welcomed by Sis. Penny Cates.  Sis. Penny now widowed, lives on the island with her daughter Tami close by.  Her home was cheerfully opened for the Bahamas fraternal which included accommodations for Bro. Kemraj and Sis. Chandra Ramnath who travelled on Saturday from Grand Bahama.  Sis. Penny provided pickup service from the airport, accommodations, and lots of great food. We were joined by Sis. Maudelin December’s son for part of the Saturday fraternal (Sis. Maudelin lives in Guyana and attends the Georgetown meeting) and Sis. Vanessa Sue-Hang for the memorial on Sunday. 

 The classes centered on the first epistle of John where we looked at John’s message of Light, Love and Life.  John spoke to the believers at the end of the first century when the ecclesia was challenged on many fronts and people were leaving the truth.  We were encouraged to appreciate the eternal life which was manifested in the Son and declared to us through the apostles and to remain strong in these last days.  John appealed to his listeners to have Christ in themselves (i.e., in their hearts and minds through the Word) and to be in him (i.e., walking in love, and serving the brethren).

Sunday night all visitors were left Nassau and we were on to the next stage of the visit which took us to Eleuthera (i.e., one of the other 300 or so islands in the Bahamas).  On Tuesday we had the pleasure of breaking bread and catching up with Bro. George and Sis. Vaulda Caesar in Rock Sound, Eleuthera.  Bro. George has recently returned home after several months of medical care and is now progressing in his ability to walk and move around.  Unfortunately, we were unable to catch up with Sis. Lee and Bro. Kendris Hield on this trip as they were on other islands, but God willing we hope to see them when we visit again.

Isolation is very difficult!  Some of the members rely on the weekly provisions from the Isolation League and this has been critical for them. Sis. Penny has been using a webcast for dialing in for meetings (i.e., www.bookroadchristadelphians.ca) and finding it to be an amazing experience to feel part of an ecclesia, albeit so far away. Please be mindful of all our brothers and sisters in isolation wherever they may be and pray for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Bro. Ted Hodge (Hamilton Book Road ecclesia)

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