Two Baptisms in Bolivia
It is with much joy that we announce good news from La Paz Bolivia: the baptism of two men. After several years of attendance and studies, Brothers Jose Antonio Loraand Sami Borjawere baptized into the saving name of our Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday, October 20, 2018 in a rented indoor pool in La Paz, Bolivia.

Seventeen were present for the baptisms, and all returned to the meeting room to finish the reading of Romans chapter 6 (referred to at the baptism s), enjoy singing hymns and share refreshments. Brother Sami is Sister Magaly Borja’s nephew, and we are happy to say that more of her relatives and friends have expressed interest in the Truth.
The next day in the Sunday Remembrance Service, Brother Brydyn Melles delivered the exhortation on 1 Corinthians 11. During their first Sunday as brothers in Christ, both new brethren helped with the third reading of the day: John 15 and 16. Each read a chapter and their familiarity with the Word was evident! The emotions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were high.

Bro. Melles is from New Zealand and has been supporting mission work in the region from his base in Santiago, Chile. Brother Melles began his return to NZ on Monday, October 22 after two years in South America – we thank him for his friendly demeanor and tireless efforts in working with many individuals!
On Monday, Brother Don Luff (visiting La Paz for five days) continued studies with the ecclesia on the topic of ‘The Cross of Christ and Our Cross’.
Written by Bro. Don Luff visiting for CBMA/CBMC