March 18, 2022

Ukraine Update – 18 March


The CBM-UK has provided the following update on the situation in Ukraine. While there is little we can do to help our brothers and sisters there, we recognize that our Heavenly Father continues to work out His plan for salvation.



Thank you to all of the brothers and sisters all over the world who joined in prayer on Sunday 13 March for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia.

Thank you also to all those who have joined in prayers at other times, do please keep our Ukrainian and Russian brothers and sisters in your prayers, our Heavenly Father hears, and as He works out His purpose remembers what we have asked for. Often, we would like to do something to help, and right now there is so little we can do, and so much which He can.

Thank you as well for those who have volunteered to open your home to any brothers and sisters who are able to escape from Ukraine. So far only a handful have managed to do so. Bro. Charles and his family are in Lithuania; Sis. Anna with her daughter and two other children are in Germany and hoping to get to Esslingen; Bro. Igor and family are in Poland and their final destination is still not finalized. Bro. Alex and his mother were turned back at the border, Alex is under 60, and although he is exempt from military service on health grounds might be asked to do auxiliary duties.

Many of our remaining members in Ukraine are either too old to face the journey themselves, or have elderly relatives who are dependent on them, so feel unable to leave. Consequently, we suspect it is unlikely that many will be able to leave, and so few of the offered places will be needed. Those who might wish to offer under the government scheme should do so please. If there is a higher demand than expected we will notify the brotherhood as a matter of urgency.

Meanwhile there seems little possibility that there will be CBM visits to Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus this year, following two years when no visits were possible because of the Covid-19 outbreak. Most of our brothers and sisters in those areas are widely scattered, unable to meet fellow brothers and sisters face to face, and are feeling the effects of isolation. Contact by Zoom and other internet provision has helped enormously, but it is never the same as the warm handshake, the welcome hug of a normal meeting. How much we need the coming of our King! Meanwhile CBM will plan to support in whatever ways are possible.

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