Ukraine Update – 29 March

The world grows tired of news stories which go on for too long. Other news comes to the fore, and takes the front pages. The news is still dominated very largely by what has been happening in Ukraine, and the brotherhood has continued to focus on the conditions of brothers and sisters who have been so severely affected by what is still called in Russia a “Military Operation”.
Firstly, it may be helpful to clarify that we do not have brothers and sisters in Mariupol, the city in south-east Ukraine which has suffered such appalling devastation. The main areas where here are members are Kyiv, Kherson, Poltava, Pavlograd, Dnipro, Kramatorsk, Berdychiv and Kharkov. Those in Poltava have not been seriously affected so far, though anyone living in Ukraine must worry when they will be next in line. Phone calls have been made to several members recently, often of course the ability to speak Russian or Ukrainian is a limiting factor in communication. Sis. Elena in Kyiv is still very acceptive of what is going on, saying quietly that it is all in God’s purpose. However, she remembers what it was like in World War II, and history seems to be repeating itself.
Bro. Igor and family are still in Poland waiting for their UK visa applications to be processed. If this is possible, they will come to UK. Sis. Anya and her daughter and two other children are in Germany, Bro. Charles and family and Bro. Christian and family are in Vilnius in Lithuania. There are others who are trying to leave, but Bro. Alex has been turned back at the border because he is under 60. Although he is exempt from military service he could be needed for other duties. For most of our other brothers and sisters leaving is simply not an option, they are too old, or have dependent family whom they cannot leave.
CBM Welfare is trying to provide funds wherever that is possible, and it is asked that any brother or sister who receives a request pass it through to Bro. Mark Sheppard, ( Bro. David Pearce or Bro. Mark Whittaker so that requests can be co-ordinated and responses sent in the most reliable way.
Thank you to all who have offered help in any way, at the moment very few have left Ukraine who will need to take up accommodation in the U.K., but that may change.
The CBM’s BKRU (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine) team met on line and have discussed the best ways of helping with spiritual input. For the moment, it seems as if visits will not be possible this year, so amongst other plans and online Bible School is scheduled for the last week in July, God willing.
The next planned update will be the online CBM Briefing on 9 April, God willing. The details have already been circulated, but they are as follows:
Meeting ID : 884 6493 7580
Passcode : preach
Finally, please continue to remember our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in your prayers. In one way or another they all need us to ask our Heavenly Father to watch over them.