March 11, 2024

Beautiful Costa Rica

By Bro. David Collister

Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a warm, tropical climate year-round. The beaches, highly sought out by tourists, can be quite hot and humid, but the central valley, where many of the major cities are located, is about 4,000 feet (1,160 meters) above sea level, and because of this, the temperatures there are quite temperate.

I usually tell people who ask about the climate that it is like springtime year-round, with a rainy season going from about May through November, during which it rains almost every day for an hour or so, and the dry season, from December through April, which the Ticos (Costa Ricans) call their summer, and which warms up gradually as May approaches. However, as soon as the rains start again in April or May, it cools down again. It’s worth mentioning that it never really gets too hot in Costa Rica. However, because of the high humidity and the intense tropical sunshine, it can feel warm at times. The central valley is where the capital city of San José is located, as well as the province of Heredia, where the ecclesia is located.

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