News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • May 9, 2023

    A Visit to Bolivia and Chile

    By Bro. Robert Alderson, Link Brother for Chile

    In a rerun of the visit made to Bolivia and Chile in November 2022, it was the turn of the brethren in Chile on this occasion in 2023 to celebrate a baptism, while the brethren in La Paz, Bolivia continue in the one faith waiting our Lord’s return. continue reading

  • May 1, 2023

    Lessons from a Sister

    By Sis Shauna Chin Sang, member Port Maria Ecclesia, Jamaica

    Sister Enid Hall, of Port Antonio in Jamaica, has fallen asleep in the Lord at the end of a long and faithful life. She would have been 100 years old on the 18th of February, and was baptized in 1985.  Sis Shauna Chin Sang remembers her. continue reading

  • April 24, 2023

    El Salvador Bible School

    By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter, Link Couple for El Salvador

    Bible school activities began a few days before the actual event. As the out-of-town visitors arrived they were taken on trips to the beach and volcanoes and to special dinners. Newly-baptized Bro. Cristian Mamani came from Bolivia, Bro. Nahuel Carmona from Peru, Sis. Marcela Castellanos from neighbouring Honduras and Bro. Dante Berbetti from Phoenix, Arizona. In addition, brethren and sisters Jorge, Encarnación, Victor and Marina, bussed in from Guatemala. continue reading

  • April 18, 2023

    Two Visits to St. Lucia

    By Bro. Mike LeDuke, Link Brother to St. Lucia

    I was met at Hewanorra International Airport by our long-time contact and driver, Keith Philipp, on the afternoon of October 29th and arrived at the Mission House about 5:00 p.m. Keith and visiting missionaries always have stimulating Bible discussions during the 90-minute ride from the airport to the Mission House. continue reading

  • February 14, 2023

    Costa Rica Bible School and Baptisms

    By Bro. David Collister, Link Brother to Costa Rica

    I always look forward to the yearly Bible School in Costa Rica. I’m not too fond of the flight down since it is usually a red-eye flight, leaving just after midnight and flying all night, but the enthusiasm and spirituality of the group and the enriching experiences always makes it worth it. continue reading

  • January 30, 2023

    Looking Forward

    By CBMA/C Committee

    This month we wanted to share with you a few things that took place in 2022 and some plans that will take place in 2023, God Willing.  On November 5, 2022 we held the Annual Meeting for CBMA/CBMC via Zoom. You will see from the comments below by both of the Chairmen that 2022 was in part a transition year, since by mid-year travel plans could be made and visits actually took place.   continue reading

  • January 23, 2023

    A Visit to Jamaica for Heroes Day

    By Bro. Nathan & Sis Antonia Giordano, Links for Jamaica

    Our first visit to Jamaica in three years was all about renewal, both of relationships and our own familiarity with the island…and the tasty goat curry, ackee and salt fish, fried plantain and juicy papaya. Bro Nathan and I were joined by his brother, Dave—who along with his wife, Sis Cassie, spent two years living in Jamaica as full-time missionaries, finishing their time there just as the pandemic was getting started. continue reading

  • December 30, 2022

    Jamaica – Tiny Missionaries

    By Sister Antonia Giordano

    When Nathan and I were newly married and venturing into the mission field together (India), we carried with us the romantic notion that one day it would be wonderful to take our as-yet-to-be-realized children with us, to expose them early and often to different cultures and the rigors of travel, and most importantly, to the joys and hard work of missionary life. “When the youngest is five,” we told ourselves, our ignorance blissful. continue reading