News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • March 11, 2024

    Beautiful Costa Rica

    By Bro. David Collister

    Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a warm, tropical climate year-round. The beaches, highly sought out by tourists, can be quite hot and humid, but the central valley, where many of the major cities are located, is about 4,000 feet (1,160 meters) above sea level, and because of this, the temperatures there are quite temperate. continue reading

  • February 19, 2024

    Join Us for Truth Corps Summer 2024

    By Brother David and Sister Cassie Giordano

    The Christadelphian Truth Corps is actively seeking members for their 2024 summer program. If you are passionate about spreading the Gospel, and want to apply that passion helping ecclesias alongside likeminded young brothers and sisters, consider joining Truth Corps! It’s a great place to practice and gain confidence talking to others about the Truth, and get to meet and assist brothers and sisters from many places in the world. continue reading

  • January 22, 2024

    Costa Rican Bible School

    By Bro. David Collister, Link Bro. for Costa Rica

    As I have written in previous articles, the Costa Ricans are very diligent in their preparations for the year-end Bible School, beginning months in advance to plan out the details. They try to involve as many as possible in the preparations. They always choose a theme for the event and try to tie all the activities into this theme, including the planned free-time activities. continue reading

  • January 17, 2024

    Invitation to Caribbean Youth Camp 2024

    By Bro. Ben Drepaul, Link Brother for Trinidad & Tobago

    Planning for the 16th triennial Christadelphian Youth Camp to be held God’s will in Trinidad from August 10-17, 2024 is now well underway and we give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the prospects of a successful event; we continue our prayers that the event will bring honor to His Name. continue reading

  • November 30, 2023

    Update on Refugee Brethren

    By CBMA/C

    By the hand of the LORD, many Christadelphian families who have fled Africa as refugees have found themselves spread throughout North America. Some are blessed to be near existing ecclesias, but sadly, others are in isolation. Brothers and sisters, ecclesias and Bible schools have responded to the call to provide pastoral care to those who make a new life so far from the home they know. Here are a few updates on the pastoral activities related to brothers and sisters relocated from Africa. continue reading

  • November 13, 2023

    Jamaica Heroes Day

    By Bro. Nathan & Sis Antonia Giordano, CBMC Link Couple for Jamaica

    The October Heroes Day Fraternal in Jamaica was a wonderful gathering—despite the fact that after several months of drought in this part of the island, the skies opened in a deluge just as two buses filled with believers were unloading their charges. But it didn’t dampen our spirits too much and all together, sixty brothers, sisters, children and babies gathered from all over the island in the beautiful hillside setting of Round Hill for fellowship and spiritual food. Once the rain eased up and the ravenous young brothers learned that snacks were available downstairs, we started running cookies and watermelon up to the older members settling into the hall whilst we waited for the stragglers. continue reading

  • November 3, 2023

    Time in Chile & Bolivia

    By Bro. Robert Alderson, Link Brother for Chile

    “Baldness is come upon Gaza” (Jeremiah 47:5). This otherwise routine visit to the brothers and sisters in Chile and Bolivia began on October 7th and was immediately taken over by the news and images emerging from Israel. The news reads like the prophets. Jeremiah described an Egyptian incursion into Gaza. “I will bring a fire on the wall of Gaza” are the words from Amos (1:7) in anticipation of the Assyrian. Looking forward to the Greek invasion, Zechariah says “Gaza shall see it and be very sorrowful” (9:5). Exodus 15:14 provides us with a current headline: “The people shall hear and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina.” Even the story of Samson matches what is occurring now with the ancient and ongoing pattern of enmity: “… they brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters …” (Judges 16:21) continue reading

  • October 6, 2023

    Baptism in Cuba!

    By Bro. Jim Hunter, Link Brother

    We are happy to announce that on September 17, 2023 in Bayamo, Cuba, Yoandris Pompa Valdespino was baptized into the Hope of Israel. Five and a half years ago, searching on the web for a community that studied the Bible, Yoandris came across and requested the postal course. continue reading

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