News from the
Mission Field
In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.
September 18, 2011
Wedding in Costa Rica
By EricHere in the United States, there are countless marriages where a friendship began at a Bible School or CYC activity. What if there was only one Bible School a year you could attend and that was held in another country where you don’t even live? Sister Zuelan Cascante (21) from Costa Rica and Brother Neftali … continue reading
I had been putting off this trip for quite a while—a year, in fact. With all of the restrictions brought about by COVID, and “Do Not Travel” advisories on the American Embassy website in Costa Rica, I decided to hold off visiting the country. In fact, I was able to participate in the Costa Rican … continue reading