Visits to Peru and Chile, plus a baptism in Argentina
It was a joy to visit the brethren and sisters and friends in Lima. In the course of 3 public lectures and memorial service, we were happy to welcome 23 different adult visitors, along with 14 children and the support of 9 of the 10 baptized members. Most visitors attended for several sessions.

It was a challenge to deal with the large number of kids, because their classes were held in the same room as those for the adults, and it was hard to keep the young ones’ noise down to a dull roar. Bribing them with chocolate turned out to be counter-productive, since it gave them a sugar high. But all in all, it was a very profitable visit, especially considering that none of the 450 email invitations we sent out to our students in the city actually reached them, an issue we will have to sort out before the next visit.

After Lima, we spent the midweek in Santiago, Chile, where the weather was even colder and wetter. We had some good Bible chats with a young Venezuelan refugee couple who have been coming to meetings with their two small children. In their country, they attended a small, non-Trinitarian church, and interestingly enough, they hadn’t run across the Santiago ecclesia by chance. Their church had advised them that since they had no members in Chile, the best alternative for them was to look up the Christadelphians! It will be interesting to discover, in time, how many other Bible teachings they share with us or are amenable to considering.

From Santiago it was just an hour’s flight over the Andes to Cordoba, Argentina. The next day, Lucas, 24, flew in from Buenos Aires to be baptized. Lucas, who is of Jewish background, had long been searching for a church that taught the truth of the Bible. About 2 years ago, he ran across and sent the message: “I can’t believe there is a church that teaches these things. You can’t imagine how happy it makes me!” He soon began Skype classes with Bro. Andrew Yearsley, who was stationed in Santiago at the time.

For the baptism, Bro. Rubén Barboza had rented a rec center with a heated swimming pool. In the presence of the brethren and sisters and friends in Córdoba, Lucas was baptized and then received into fellowship during the breaking of bread which immediately followed. Afterwards, we all went out to dinner together and got to know our new brother a bit better! Lucas will be in isolation in Buenos Aires, but he will be in contact with brethren and sisters via social media. God willing, he hopes to attend the Santiago Bible School at the end of October and meet others who share our faith. May God guide and bless Bro. Lucas in his walk to the Kingdom.

Written by Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter, Link Couple