
The capital city of Lima has always been a very fruitful source of postal students. In 2018 we were happy to baptize three new members, including the third married couple in the ecclesia. Four members receive post-baptismal classes from N. America.
A memorial service is held every second week. CBMA workers and others visit frequently to give public lectures and encourage the members and students.
News from Peru
June 4, 2024
Update / Status Report on
By CBMA/C News
Quite a bit of progress has been made in the past few years on a Spanish language online Bible study platform at managed by Bro. Kevin Hunter. As you will see below, he has put together a group of Brothers and Sisters volunteering from all over the world. continue reading
October 28, 2019
Visits to Peru and Chile, plus a baptism in Argentina
By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter
It was a joy to visit the brethren and sisters and friends in Lima. In the course of 3 public lectures and memorial service, we were happy to welcome 23 different adult visitors, along with 14 children and the support of 9 of the 10 baptized members. Most visitors attended for several sessions. continue reading
September 6, 2017
Missionary Introduction to Chile
By Bro. Andrew & Sis. Shaye Yearsley
Way back in 2009/10 we (Andrew and Shaye) spent almost 6 months in Chile working for a New Zealand company. During that time we experienced first-hand the isolation of the few brothers and sisters here. Though our Spanish was extremely limited (well actually, Andrew’s was totally non-existent), simply turning up to the meetings giving an extra 30% to the numbers was helpful to them. continue reading