News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • February 25, 2019

    Baptism in El Salvador

    By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter

    We're very happy to announce the baptism in San Salvador of our new sister Rebeca Fernández, 23, on December 28, 2018.  Being the daughter of Bro. Manuel and Sis. Silvia Fernández, Rebeca grew up in the meeting. Her decision to become part of the family of God, following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, has given much joy to her parents and her ecclesial family. continue reading

  • February 13, 2019

    Two Baptisms in Bolivia

    By Bro. Don Luff

    It is with much joy that we announce good news from La Paz Bolivia: the baptism of two men.  After several years of attendance and studies, Brothers Jose Antonio Loraand Sami Borjawere baptized into the saving name of our Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday, October 20, 2018 in a rented indoor pool in La Paz, Bolivia.  continue reading

  • February 7, 2019

    Tracing the steps of “the Lamb” in Quito

    By Brother Bill Rawson

    Once again, I have been treated to the warmth of fellowship of my brothers and sisters in Ecuador. This fellowship was more enhanced by the choice of study the brothers and sisters had requested. I was asked to spend the eleven days of my visit in the study of the Book of Revelation. With the appearance of “the Lamb” throughout the entire book, what more could we desire than to be constantly reminded of the supreme sacrifice of our Saviour, Jesus Christ and the promised Kingdom?  continue reading

  • November 13, 2018

    Changes for Jamaica

    By Brother Keith Kinlocke

    We are thankful to report that the CBMC has been able to place a missionary couple in Jamaica during 2018 – Brother David and Sister Cassie Giordano.  In the process of moving to Jamaica, and after months of complying with government ever-changing requirements, they received the necessary documents mid-year, to allow them to live legally in Jamaica. Originally from the Norfolk, Virginia Ecclesia, David and Cassie transferred their membership to the Broughton Ecclesia in Jamaica.  continue reading

  • July 20, 2018

    Jamaica News


    Since our last submission, we have benefitted greatly from the services of Brother David and Sister Cassie Giordano (current in-field missionaries) at several of the Island ecclesias, with our youth and in our homes.  Brother David spoke at the February 14thAsh Wednesday Fraternal in the Broughton Ecclesial Hall on the theme – “The gods of the Bible: Idle Worship” – a topic which laid the groundwork for the lively discussion groups!  continue reading

  • April 3, 2018

    2018 Caribbean Youth Conference

    By Bro. Keith Kinlocke

    The Triennial Caribbean Christadelphian Youth Camp will be hosted this year by the brethren in Jamaica. We are delighted to confirm that a site has been secured, the Montague’s Teachers College, in the parish of St Ann on the Northeast end of the island. It is in close proximity to the resort town of Ocho … continue reading

  • February 6, 2018

    My First Time in Jamaica

    By Bro. Tim Cresswell

    I was blessed to have the opportunity to spend eight weeks in Jamaica from Sept 25 to Nov 20, 2017. During the first week, Bro Don Luff (link brother), Bro David & Sis Cassie Giordano and I did a tour around most of the island. After the first week the others flew home, and this was in a sense where my real Jamaica experience began, getting to know the local brothers and sisters, working to provide support with the difficult situations they faced and encouraging them to maintain a fervency for the remarkable hope that we have been called to in Christ. continue reading

  • January 22, 2018

    Bolivia – Commitment


    If we are members of a fairly large ecclesia, and some members are unable to attend ecclesial activities with regularity, weekly meetings continue.  However, in countries where transportation to meetings is not simply getting in a car for a relatively short drive, it is a completely different matter.  The members in La Paz realize that life in the Truth requires commitment, not just obtaining a ride to meeting by public transit in a very traffic-congested city, but attending meeting as often as possible.  Regular contact with interested friends and communication between members is also so important.  continue reading