News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • January 4, 2018

    2017 – The Year of the Volunteer

    By Bro. Don Luff

    During 2017, the CBMA and the CBMC received many inquiries regarding volunteer opportunities in both Latin America and the Caribbean.  It has been so encouraging to receive contact from overseas members planning vacations and wanting to visit ecclesias at the same time.  Brothers and sisters of different ages have also expressed interest in supporting the mission effort and a number have travelled to various countries on mission sponsored activities.  Approximately 25 members have assisted in Latin America and about the same in the Caribbean during 2017.  This does not include the regularly scheduled visits by CBMA and CBMC linkmen and other fieldworkers. continue reading

  • At a recent Bible School in El Salvador Bible, brothers and sisters went on camera to tell their stories of how they came to a knowledge of the truth.  We thought you might find their moving stories interesting and uplifting, as well as provide insight into the preaching efforts in South America. continue reading

  • November 15, 2017

    Chile – The Ecclesia of God meets in South America

    By Bro. Andrew and Sis. Shaye Yearsley

    Christ told a parable about a man starting to build a tower or a king going to war and not "counting the cost". One lesson in life is that when you suggest an event you need to follow it through to completion. Many months ago we began planning a Bible School to be held in Chile for brethren in South America. The location in the mountains about an hour outside of Santiago is called ‘La Bella Durmiente’ – with cabins and outdoor recreational facilities in a quiet area away from the busy capital of 7,000,000. In the back of our minds we had a figure of about 20 attendees, assuming that many wouldn't be able to make it due to other commitments or distance. Assumptions! continue reading

  • November 8, 2017

    Vacation Bible School in Guyana

    By Sis. Liz Carr

    In the summer months of July and August this year, ecclesias in Guyana organized a really wonderful activity called "The Vacation Bible School" for Sunday School age students.  The idea of the VBS is that for a week, a day camp is organized at where young people from Kindergarten age to teens within the community and their own Sunday School are invited come and enjoy lessons about the Bible. continue reading

  • October 26, 2017

    Bible Exhibition in Barbados


    For the second year the Bank Hall Ecclesia in Barbados hosted a Bible Exhibition.  We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for this opportunity. Thanks also to the Brooklyn and Atlanta ecclesias in the U.S. and to Bro. David Corbin for making this possible. continue reading

  • September 6, 2017

    Missionary Introduction to Chile

    By Bro. Andrew & Sis. Shaye Yearsley

    Way back in 2009/10 we (Andrew and Shaye) spent almost 6 months in Chile working for a New Zealand company.  During that time we experienced first-hand the isolation of the few brothers and sisters here.  Though our Spanish was extremely limited (well actually, Andrew’s was totally non-existent), simply turning up to the meetings giving an extra 30% to the numbers was helpful to them. continue reading

  • During our February visit to Jamaica, we had an enjoyable mini-fraternal at the Broughton Ecclesial Hall, with members from Argyle Mountain and Harvey River present.  There were about 20 in attendance for the Remembrance Service and a hot meal together.  The exhortation topic was on our use of ‘Time’, with the consolation of Revelation 10:18, when there will be “time no longer.”  continue reading

  • February 3, 2017

    Costa Rica Year-End Conference

    By Bro. David Collister

    The year-end conference in Costa Rica took place from the 23rd to the 25th of December, 2016, with just over 40 attending. The campground is a beautiful site they have used for quite a few years with comfortable cabins with bunk beds and hot water for showers. The location is very picturesque, full of lots of big shade trees and lush tropical vegetation and a lovely swimming pool with a fountain. The campground also has a dining hall where a staff prepares hearty, typical Costa Rican food for the campers. continue reading