News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • April 21, 2021

    Ongoing Preaching in Mexico


    Our current efforts at electronic preaching began about six months before the pandemic began. They had been working on getting sufficient software to be able to put our classes and breaking of bread online live and recorded for those who were unable to attend in person. They use Uber Conference, as they are easily available with a single phone number that never changes and without need of a PIN number. continue reading

  • November 10, 2020

    First Impressions of Guyana

    By Bro. Brian Carrick

    Bro. Mark Carr asked me to accompany him this past January for a two-week pastoral visit to Guyana, South America.  When we landed at the airport outside of Georgetown, the memories came flooding back of the time some forty years earlier, when I first set foot in the tropical mission fields of Central America and spent over two years living in El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama. continue reading

  • October 13, 2020

    Baptism of Tom Davis

    By Bro. Mike LeDuke

    On Thursday, May 7, student, Tom Davis, was baptized into Christ and became a member of the Kitchener-Waterloo Ecclesia. Behind that flat statement of fact lie some unusual arrangements.   continue reading

  • August 4, 2020

    Not the Beginning We Anticipated

    By Bro Isaiah & Sis Rosie Tunnell

    Well it has been just over four weeks now since Isaiah and I safely arrived at our apartment here in La Paz, Bolivia. It was quite the journey to get here and we were not sure that we would make it! continue reading

  • June 1, 2020

    Matthew Williams Interview

    By David and Cassie Giordano

    A few months ago David and I were visiting with the Harvey River ecclesia at the home of its recording brother, Matthew Williams. The drive is a rough one, winding along pothole studded bamboo shaded roads, up through the hills, almost an hour from the closest main city, Lucea. During our time in Jamaica, we tried to regularly visit the small ecclesia. continue reading

  • January 27, 2020

    Truth Corps 2019

    By Sis. Sister Rhiannon Bourke

    On July the 6th, the 2019 Truth Corps team started a three and-a-half week adventure to serve our host Ecclesias and spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God. continue reading

  • December 13, 2019

    Mutual Improvement Day, Kingston

    By Sis. Cilla Tuckson

    Saturday, June 15th saw the annual Mutual Improvement Day in Kingston, Jamaica. Believers from all over the island travelled by mini-bus for up to three hours to meet together in the Kingston ecclesial hall. The day was well supported, with over sixty brothers and sisters present. continue reading

  • October 28, 2019

    Visits to Peru and Chile, plus a baptism in Argentina

    By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter

    It was a joy to visit the brethren and sisters and friends in Lima. In the course of 3 public lectures and memorial service, we were happy to welcome 23 different adult visitors, along with 14 children and the support of 9 of the 10 baptized members. Most visitors attended for several sessions. continue reading