News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • August 7, 2012

    Guyana – Like a Second Home


    We arrived on the shores of Guyana in time for the annual Bible School hosted this year by Eccles. When the presiding brother for the day acknowledged us, he welcomed us home again.  For us Guyana is like a second home. We grew up there spiritually.  We have watched a generation depart and welcomed a … continue reading

  • June 22, 2012

    The Truth in Barbados

    By Sis. Jan Berneau

    In July 1892, Bro. Blenman was able to report in the Christadelphian Magazine: “I am pleased to announce that an ecclesia has been formed on the Island of Barbados, my native land.” During the previous year, about nine or ten immersions had taken place, mainly through the zealous efforts of Bro. James Hepburn, a Scot … continue reading

  • April 17, 2012

    Fraternal Gathering in Jamaica

    By Bro. Don Luff

    By the invitation of the CBMJ (Christadelphian Bible Mission Jamaica), we were once again pleased to be able to visit some of the ecclesias in Jamaica during February.  Brother Ray Arthurs of the Broughton Ecclesia met my sister/wife Miriam and me, along with Brother Charlie Link of the Moorestown, New Jersey Ecclesia at the Montego … continue reading

  • March 16, 2012

    Baptisms in Lima, Peru

    By Sis. Jan Berneau

    Bro. Jim Hunter (Linkman for Peru) shares that on February 19th, he had the pleasure of baptizing two new sisters in Lima. The satisfaction was compounded by their being not only the first sisters in the meeting but also the wives of Brethren, so that there are now two complete families in the little ecclesia. … continue reading

  • January 26, 2012

    The Red Devils are going away!

    By Gordon Dangerfield

    Change is happening rapidly in Panama!  The buses, affectionately known as “Red Devils”, which have been a means of transport throughout the capital and across the isthmus for over 50 years, are now being replaced by new air conditioned buses with provision for handicapped passengers. Riding in one of these new buses is a far … continue reading

  • October 16, 2011

    New Ecclesial Hall in El Salvador

    By Don Luff

    About two hours from the Capitol City of San Salvador lies Usulutan, El Salvador.  The Brethren in San Salvador have had significant response to their preaching efforts in Usulutan, and have made the drive for many years every Sunday. They’ve had many baptisms over the years, and with five more this Summer, have a large … continue reading

  • September 18, 2011

    Wedding in Costa Rica

    By Eric

    Here in the United States, there are countless marriages where a friendship began at a Bible School or CYC activity. What if there was only one Bible School a year you could attend and that was held in another country where you don’t even live? Sister Zuelan Cascante (21) from Costa Rica and Brother Neftali … continue reading

  • I had been putting off this trip for quite a while—a year, in fact. With all of the restrictions brought about by COVID, and “Do Not Travel” advisories on the American Embassy website in Costa Rica, I decided to hold off visiting the country. In fact, I was able to participate in the Costa Rican … continue reading