News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • April 3, 2013

    North to Alaska


    Bro. Stan Wilkinson of the Glendale, Arizona ecclesia is no stranger to bicycle riding, even at the age of 73 years young. Seven years ago Bro. Stan travelled by himself from San Diego to Boston, some 3400 miles, continue reading

  • February 3, 2013

    Missionaries to Guyana 1971-1975

    By Sis. Dolores Sleeper

    Ted and I were married in 1970, about a year and a half after I was baptized. It was his dream, inspired by Bro. Harry Whittaker, to devote a few years to missionary work in Guyana. So in 1971 we set off on a journey that would forever change our lives. Ted was 23 and I was 22; he had just finished his Conscientious Objector alternate military service and I had just finished earning my teaching credentials at the university. continue reading

  • January 1, 2013

    A visit to Lima, Santiago and Córdoba

    By Sis. Jan Berneau

    In October and November of 2012 it was a pleasure for Bro. Jim & Sis. Jean Hunter to again visit our brethren and sisters in Peru, Chile and Argentina and offer talks and classes for the interested friends who study the Bible with us by correspondence. continue reading

  • December 9, 2012

    Puerto Rico – Few in Number

    By Bro. Don Luff

    Due to advertisements in the Readers Digest during the Year of Witness efforts in 1976, individuals in Puerto Rico have been receiving Christadelphian correspondence courses and literature since the late 1970’s.  Baptisms resulted from the efforts of missionaries and short term field workers during the 1980’s.  Nevertheless, due to a variety of circumstances, it has … continue reading

  • November 4, 2012

    St. Lucia Missionary Trip

    By Sis. Jan Berneau

    The following article from Bro. David and Sis. Joan Andrews, describes their recent trip to St. Lucia, from Guyana where they have been helping in various ecclesias. Return to St Lucia On Friday 6-July-12 Joan and I once again left Guyana on a three-week visit to the beautiful Caribbean island of St Lucia (our third … continue reading

  • October 19, 2012

    The Truth in El Salvador

    By Bro. Doug Hawthorne

    After expressing an interest to participate in a CBMA mission effort to Central America, I was connected with Bro. Don Luff of Brantford, Ontario, and he gently encouraged me in the weeks ahead of the planned visit in late May. I prepared 3 classes using PowerPoint in English, and set about to translate them to … continue reading

  • October 19, 2012

    The Road to Panama

    By Bro. Doug Hawthorne

    Flying from El Salvador to Panama City, Bro. Don Luff and I were met by Bro. Luis Sobles of the Colón Ecclesia. The weather in tropical Panama was a bit rainy and saturated with high humidity, and quite different from the climate of California.  Yet again the warm greetings of a brother in the one … continue reading

  • August 7, 2012

    Guyana – Like a Second Home


    We arrived on the shores of Guyana in time for the annual Bible School hosted this year by Eccles. When the presiding brother for the day acknowledged us, he welcomed us home again.  For us Guyana is like a second home. We grew up there spiritually.  We have watched a generation depart and welcomed a … continue reading