News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • August 29, 2022

    Domestic Missionaries for Refugee Families

    By Bro. Eric Hawthorne

    The ecclesia in Avon, Indiana heard a knock on the door…and they opened it. Like several ecclesias in North America, the Avon ecclesia has recently been blessed with an influx of Christadelphian refugee brothers and sisters. Seeking a better life for their families, these brothers and sisters petitioned the UNHCR (the United Nations Refugee Agency) and were approved for resettlement. God’s hand, it appears, has directed them to the door in Avon. This has come at a time when the ecclesia’s own membership has declined due to a natural cycle of young families transferring to other ecclesias as they follow job opportunities. As Job rightly said, “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” continue reading

  • August 2, 2022

    Fraternal Weekend in Guatemala

    By Bro. Jim Hunter

    After two years of pandemic shutdown in Guatemala, during which time the ecclesia lost their hall, they were overjoyed to be able to get together for a long weekend with a group of brethren and sisters visiting from El Salvador and Honduras. continue reading

  • July 5, 2022

    Guyana New Market St. Sunday School

    By Bro. David Andrews, Guyana & Caribbean Fieldworker

    During the month of March 2021, recently baptized Bro Trimal Accra raised with Bro David Andrews the possibility of commencing a Sunday-School at his home premises, New Market St. Georgetown, and asked for the blessing of the Georgetown Ecclesia. He explained that some parents who shared the residence had approached him on this matter with a view of occupying their children’s time during what was vacant Sunday afternoons. continue reading

  • June 20, 2022

    Fraternal Gathering in Barbados

    By Bro. Ian Macfarlane, Link for Barbados

    The ecclesia in Barbados held their annual Fraternal Gathering on April 15 -18, 2022. Overseas visitors this year included Bro. Larry and Sis. Karon Deakin from Venice, Florida, as well as the CBMC link couple Bro. Ian and Sis. Judy Macfarlane from Hamilton, Canada. continue reading

  • May 16, 2022

    Guyana Jubilee Bible School 2022

    By Bro. David Andrews, fulltime Missionary in Guyana

    Easter week-end Friday 15-April to Mon 18-April 2022, will mark the 50th Bible School being held in Guyana. The first was held in April 1969, at the Eccles Hall under the tutorship of Bros. Norman Mills and Stuart Cowlishaw, who were both from the UK. At this time, Bro. Colishaw was a lecturer at the University at the West Indies in Trinidad. I was then just an 18 year-old from the Bartica Ecclesia up the Essequibo River, migrating to Georgetown to take up a job at the Ministry of Finance. continue reading

  • May 10, 2022

    Five Baptisms in One Day

    By Bro. David Collister (translated from Facebook)

    It is with great pleasure that we share the wonderful news of five baptisms in Costa Rica. Sis. Daniela González, Bro. Anthony Ramirez Ugalde, Bro. Carlos Ramírez Ugalde, Sis. Sonia Soto Arias and Sis. Carolina Chavez Hernandez were all baptized into the Lord on April 18, 2022 in what the Costa Ricans described as a beautiful ceremony. continue reading

  • May 1, 2022

    Spring Visit to Antigua

    By Bro. Chris Morse, Bracknell Ecclesia UK

    Having both recently retired, my wife Sister Alison and I travelled to Antigua for four weeks of vacation in mid-March 2022. We had visited the island some years previously and wanted to help the small Ecclesia there currently consisting of three Sisters. We met with them for four Sundays where I ran the Breaking of Bread (carrying out all duties). continue reading

  • April 27, 2022

    Barbados in February

    By Bro. Ben Drepaul

    Barbados, one of the paradise vacation spots for people from all over the globe, has recently announced its intention to cease being a constitutional monarchy, therefore removing the Queen as its head of state. The government is now headed by three strong women: President Sandra Mason, Prime-Minister Mia Mottley and Deputy Prime-Minister Santia Bradshaw, the granddaughter of our own Sister Ida Yearwood, who died in 2019, at the age of 93.  I remember as a kid, she was quite stern, in fact, many of the brethren dared not question her authority, for she was one of the oldest members, some 40 years after the truth first arrived there in 1892. Back in the 1980’s, on one occasion, we wanted to sing, “How Great Thou Art” at the CYC, however, she firmly maintained that if it was not in the hymn book, we could not sing it! continue reading