News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • April 23, 2022

    Ukraine Update – 23 April

    By CBM-UK

    The so called “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine continues, although it no longer attracts quite the number of headlines it used to. Our brothers and sisters continue to be affected in many ways, and we can scarcely imagine what it must be like to be living in such dire conditions. Here are a few snippets of information in the hope that brothers and sisters will keep them in their prayers. Our apologies if some of this seems a little repetitive. continue reading

  • April 14, 2022

    St. Lucia – After Two Years…

    By Bro. Martin & Sis. Lois Webster
  • March 30, 2022

    Guyana Jubilee Bible School 2022

    By Bro. David Andrews, fulltime Missionary in Guyana

    Easter week-end Friday 15-April to Mon 18-April 2022, will mark the 50th Bible School being held in Guyana. The first was held in April 1969, at the Eccles Hall under the tutorship of Bros. Norman Mills and Stuart Cowlishaw, who were both from the UK. At this time, Bro. Colishaw was a lecturer at the University at the West Indies in Trinidad. I was then just an 18 year-old from the Bartica Ecclesia up the Essequibo River, migrating to Georgetown to take up a job at the Ministry of Finance. continue reading

  • March 29, 2022

    Ukraine Update – 29 March

    By CBM-UK

    The world grows tired of news stories which go on for too long. Other news comes to the fore, and takes the front pages. The news is still dominated very largely by what has been happening in Ukraine, and the brotherhood has continued to focus on the conditions of brothers and sisters who have been so severely affected by what is still called in Russia a “Military Operation”. continue reading

  • March 18, 2022

    Ukraine Update – 18 March

    By CBM-UK

    Thank you to all of the brothers and sisters all over the world who joined in prayer on Sunday 13 March for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia. Thank you also to all those who have joined in prayers at other times, do please keep our Ukrainian and Russian brothers and sisters in your prayers, our Heavenly Father hears, and as He works out His purpose remembers what we have asked for. Often, we would like to do something to help, and right now there is so little we can do, and so much which He can. continue reading

  • March 17, 2022

    A Pan (Latin) American Bible School

    By Bro. Jim & Sis. Jean Hunter

    After another year of frustration and confinement. By the end of 2021, travel and hygienic restrictions were being eased in Latin America, so in El Salvador, plans were made for a second consecutive Bible school under the shadow of the Covid pandemic, praying that God would allow the project to go ahead and bless it to His honour and glory, and for the spiritual benefit of all who could attend.  There were 83 in attendance, more than we had dared hope for. Our God was gracious and gave us this time together around His word. continue reading

  • March 12, 2022

    Ukraine Update – 12 March

    By CBM-UK

    In the past week, much work has been going on behind the scenes to support brothers and sisters in Ukraine and those seeking to flee as refugees. First of all, we need to acknowledge that many of our elderly members spread across Ukraine do not wish to leave their homes, or may be unable to due to age and infirmity. The upheaval it would cause and the danger they would face whilst travelling is such that a number have opted to stay where they are, even in cities that are under Russian constant bombardment. Our ability to communicate with these members is in some cases very limited, since many do not use modern communications methods that we are used to.  continue reading

  • The CBM-UK is asking the brotherhood to join them in prayer for our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine. We understand a few brothers and sisters have made it over the border into either Poland, Romania or Lithuania, however most of our brothers and sisters are hunkered down in the homes or basements still in the Ukraine. continue reading