
Outreach is primarily done through Bible Conferences whereby visitors are invited to attend and learn more about Bible topics. These are held in a rented location with meals provided. There is also a primary school run by meeting members that draws several children into Sunday School classes.
News from Haiti
October 22, 2024
Caribbean Mission Fields
By Caribbean Working Group
This month we’d like to update you on what has been taking place in some of our Caribbean Mission Ecclesias this past year. The focus continues to be on both on efforts to expand regular and online preaching/teaching efforts as well as the Pastoral needs. continue reading
March 16, 2024
Haiti Update
By Bro. Bill Hlina
In recent weeks we have had an overwhelming number of requests regarding the welfare of the brothers and sisters in Haiti. The truth came to Haiti only about 15 years ago, primarily due to the work of brother Esmath Sainval. He was formerly trained as a pastor who having disagreements with the doctrines of his church, began a Saturday Bible class in his home, resulting in the conversion of a small group who were baptized into Christ. An ecclesia was formed late in 2009. continue reading
November 11, 2022
Exciting Work in Haiti
By Bro. Stephen Johnson
Esmath Sainval was planning to be a Protestant minister in Haiti. He graduated from a seminary in Port au Prince, and began working as an Assistant Pastor. But as he continued his Bible study, he came to the realization that Jesus is not God, the Holy Spirit is not the third person of a Trinity, man does not have an immortal soul, and the future true Christian hope is the resurrection from the dead and being part of the Kingdom of God on earth. The only first principle he needed help understanding was the true meaning of the Devil and Satan, and a Christadelphian website helped him understand Bible teaching on this fundamental. continue reading