News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • January 11, 2017

    October in Jamaica

    By Brother Keith Kinlocke

    The month of October 2016 was indeed a spiritual blessing from our Heavenly Father!  The Jamaican Brotherhood was encouraged with overseas support from Brother Don Luff of Ontario Canada, Brother Nigel & Sister Devonna Small from New Jersey USA and Brother Andre George from the Caribbean Island of St. Lucia.  We are thankful that Hurricane Matthew, which threatened to cause serious damage to the Island October 2nd to 4th, veered east of Jamaica, allowing the efforts of our visitors to go forward.  We were saddened though at the resultant devastation from Matthew in Haiti and areas north of us.  continue reading

  • November 14, 2016

    Visit to Brazil, Argentina & Paraguay

    By Bro. Jim Hunter

    One of the challenges of the mission field is providing service to brethren and sisters and contacts in isolation. Email, telephone and Skype are a tremendous help in teaching, maintaining friendships and providing spiritual support. But even then, members need the lift provided by personal visits and it's important to meet and talk personally with promising contacts as they grow in the Truth. With these factors in mind I was able in July and August to visit two brethren and two friends in South America. continue reading

  • October 12, 2016

    Parfait Outreach Sunday School


    This Sunday school of 15-30 students was started about 3 years ago by sis. Candace Harrycharran. Candace, her husband, bro. Charles and her daughter, Caroline, relocated across the Demerara River from Eccles, their home ecclesia. continue reading

  • August 8, 2016

    Bible Enrichment!

    By Bro. Martin & Sis. Lois Webster

    January day in Ontario, Canada. Snow! It was snowing when we wakened at 0515. It was snowing when we left for a rather messy drive to the airport. It was snowing at the time we were due to take off (at 0930) and we were still in departure lounge! We boarded the plane a short while later, but it was still snowing therefore the plane had to be ‘de-iced’ (as the saying goes) so by the time we were off the ground we were ninety minutes late. But that is the risk of winter in Canada! However, Brother Andre George and our taxi driver, Keith Philip were at the airport to meet us. continue reading

  • July 11, 2016

    Fifty Years in Spanish Speaking South America

    By Bro. John and Sis. Mélida Burton

    2015/2016 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the start of Christadelphian Bible Mission activities in Spanish speaking South America. On the 22nd of April 1965 Brethren George Smith and Gordon MacRae moved from Panama to settle in Bogotá, Colombia’s capital. Gordon from Edinburgh had spent the last night with us in England before we saw him off on the boat from Southampton to Panama...”Aye”, he later remarked, with wry Scottish humour ,“that was my first night in a foreign country!”  (Leaving Scotland for England). continue reading

  • May 27, 2016

    My Visit to Guyana

    By Sister Trudy Stuchlik

    Stuchlik and I (Sister Trudy Stuchlik) from the Ann Arbor Ecclesia (MI) embarked on an unforgettable journey last year on July 28th to August 20th. Our purpose was to help out with Guyana's Vacation Bible School, the triennial Caribbean youth conference, pastoral visiting and to hang out with all my friends. This year was my third year going. I was so blessed to be apart of the 2013 Truth Corps, which was my first eye opener to Guyana and to all the amazing brothers and sisters there. I would highly recommend Truth Corps for anyone and everyone. My mom had heard all the different stories for years and had wanted to go in person, so she hopped on the plane with me. She was looking forward to seeing a whole new land and culture. continue reading

  • The members in the Port Maria area organized a mini-Fraternal on Sunday, February 14, 2016 at the Forrester’s Banquet Complex in this town. The 7 active members had been unable to meet on a regular basis, due to the lack of an available meeting room.  The whole facility includes several buildings and an undercover outdoor cooking area, plus a large central open space where the young people played soccer and basketball. continue reading

  • February 1, 2016

    Baptism in Peru

    By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter

    On Sunday, October 18, 2015 we had the privilege of baptizing Nahuel Carmona into the name of Jesus on the rooftop terrace of his family's home in Lima, Peru. A short time later he was received into fellowship at the memorial service held in the living-room of the house, the meeting-place of the Lima Ecclesia. The only child of Bro. Flavio and Sis. Gloria Carmona, Nahuel has been keenly interested in the Bible ever since his parents first requested the postal course in early 2007, and had long looked forward to baptism. To that end he received weekly preparation classes from Jean by telephone for about two years and continues with post-baptismal classes by Skype. We pray God's blessing on Nahuel's walk in the Truth alongside his parents and the other members of this warm and growing little ecclesia. continue reading