News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • Once again we were happy to team-up with Brother Clive and Sister Christine Drepaul from New York to support the two Panama ecclesias for special activities from July 19th to 29th, and their Annual Bible Camp which was held from July 24 to 26th at Santa Clara on the Pacific Coast of Panama. continue reading

  • November 12, 2015

    Bolivia – La Paz Convivencia (Ecclesial Bible Camp)

    By Bro. Shimon Spina

    From the 30th April to the 3rd of May we held the annual La Paz Convivencia (Ecclesial Bible Camp) and were fortunate enough to have Bro. Douglas and Sis. Marisol Vanegas from Costa Rica with us, with Bro. Douglas leading the marathon of studies.   With 10 studies, daily Bible readings and 15 separate eating times throughout the 3 days it really was a weekend full of food! continue reading

  • September 21, 2015

    Visit to Chile

    By Bro. Brother Robert Alderson

    At the end of the road that runs down the western coast of South America is the city of Puerto Montt, Chile.   It is a long way from anywhere, however, we live in an age when Distance has lost much of her power.   Our friend in Puerto Montt who met us via Facebook, read about us in, studies with us on Skype, and occasionally receives a letter from us in the post, is a good example of how the call of God’s word isn’t fussy about the medium. continue reading

  • August 13, 2015

    Sister Annette Johnson

    By Brother Keith Kinlocke

    Sis. Annette is missed greatly in Jamaica and by many in different parts of the world.  She fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday, April 5, 2015 at the age of 44.  She was a life-long member of the May Pen Ecclesia in Jamaica.  Her parents are Brother Melvin and Sister Gerzel Gordon of the same ecclesia, as is her husband Brother Patrick Johnson.  Patrick and Annette have 3 children – Kharma 15, Nogomo 13 and Akilah 7 (see attached family photo taken early this year). continue reading

  • July 28, 2015

    Jamaica Easter Youth Camp

    By Sis. Shaneika Howard

    It was a long, dark drive to the camp site at Bishop Swaby Camp in Negril, nonetheless we enjoyed the long journey as we were eager to ‘meet and greet’ once again with youths from across the island. The secluded venue was perfect for getting away from it all, on order to spend time learning about the Word of God as well as enjoying the company of each other and the natural environment. continue reading

  • June 23, 2015

    A Bible School at the Highest Level

    By Bro. Rubén Barboza

    As had been announced, the Ecuador ecclesia celebrated its 7th annual Bible School this last February, gathering together brethren and sisters from this country with others from North, Central and South America. Taking advantage of the Carnaval 4-day weekend, the South American ecclesia took on the teachings of Revelation chapters 2 and 3, along with the books of the Kings of Israel and Judah. continue reading

  • May 12, 2015

    Jamaica Bible School

    By Gideon & Asha Drepaul

    It was indeed a pleasure to speak at the year-end bible school, where approx. 20 members and young people from Ecclesias around Jamaica met at the Kendal Camp and Conference Centre in Manchester. The theme was extracted from the teachings of the Apostle Paul in regards to what does God require of us and leading up to the various roles of each member and Reflection Time. The setting could not be more comfortable, 80 breezy degrees during the day and a cool 70 at night. continue reading

  • April 27, 2015

    The St. Lucia Ecclesia — A Faithful Light in the Caribbean

    By Bro. Cliff and Sis. Julia Baines

    As we read the many wonderful reports and articles written for the Bible Missionary Magazine, we realize there are so many brethren and sisters who are in such difficult circumstances, but our Heavenly Father is caring for them and guiding their lives in a way that is beyond our comprehension. God’s care is evident through life changing events helps us to realize how much we all need the Lord in our lives. continue reading