News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • Bro. Brad Butts, the CBMC Trinidad and Tobago linkman shares this information from his visit earlier this year.  For at least 20 years the Erin Ecclesia in Trinidad, West Indies, has been meeting in the living room of Bro. Sheriff Edoo.  The ecclesia has grown to 16 members and approximately 20 Sunday School members (including the CYC).  continue reading

  • September 23, 2013

    Bible Truth Campaign in Jamaica


    From April 6th to April 14th the Christadelphian Bible Mission of Jamaica organized a number of ecclesial activities across the Island.  They all started with a “Bible Truth Campaign” at the May Pen Ecclesial Hall on Saturday, April 6th. continue reading

  • August 19, 2013

    A Baptism in El Salvador

    By Sonsonate Ecclesia, El Salvador

    On Sunday, June 30, 2013 the brethren and sisters in El Salvador were blessed with a new baptism. Eva Gabriela García, 18, publicly proclaimed her decision to change the direction of her life and join the great family of the faith which is striving towards the kingdom of God. Sis. Gaby, as we call her affectionately, attends meetings with her family in their home town of Sonsonate in the western part of the country. continue reading

  • One of the many challenges the Apostle Paul faced was building up and strengthening the converts in the first century, in order to establish ecclesias (Acts 16:5).  All the Epistles aid our efforts today in this regard, especially the pastoral epistles of Timothy and Titus. continue reading

  • The Ocotlan group meets each Sunday in Bro. Manuel's home, which accommodates a meeting room for up to 30 adults and Sunday School facilities for the same number.  Currently, there are 18 regular adult attendees and nearly 25 children, many of which are from Bro. Sergio and Sis. Oli's extended family.  We hope that many of the new friends from the public talks will be coming now too. continue reading

  • In Bolivia, saying "adios" is reserved for those times when the parting will be a long one. It essentially means, "I commend you to God." In May with these words we embraced our dear brother and four sisters and interested friends in reluctant farewell as we left our home in Bolivia for the last time. Our year in Ecuador and three years in Bolivia were rich with personal growth and blessing from Yahweh. continue reading

  • “Do you believe in the things concerning the kingdom of God and the nombre de Jesucristo?” No matter the language, country or even continent, our hearts thrill to hear the words, to see the actions that proclaim “Yes, si.” A father baptizes his own daughter and they become brethren in an instant, standing with a … continue reading

  • We regret to inform that there has been no further development in the case of Bro. Alex Andrade of El Salvador, who was kidnapped in the city of San Salvador on March 6th last. Our fervent prayer is that our Heavenly Father may protect Bro. Alex if he remains alive, while continuing to console his family and his brethren and sisters in the Truth. Given the time that has gone by, the CBMA will not publish any further bulletins on this distressing situation unless some new information were to arise. continue reading

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