News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • February 16, 2014

    Trinidad Baptisms


    Bro. Brad Butts let us know that two lovely young Sunday School teenagers have been baptized in the Erin Ecclesia.  While only 15 and 16 they have been strong students of scripture for a number of years and were anxious to make the commitment to Christ.  continue reading

  • At 7:20 a.m. on Saturday 2 November, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, our Brother Gordon Dangerfield fell asleep in Christ. He was born in Adelaide, Australia on the 2nd of July 1946 and was baptised into Christ in that same city on the 4th of April 1965. continue reading

  • January 21, 2014

    Jamaica – Heroes’ Day Fraternal Gathering

    By Sister Gerzel Gordon

    Surely, every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. This experience is a great one.  The greetings were friendly. The smiles were real and the hugs were warm. There was spontaneous expression of happiness all over the faces. The joy of meeting together as one in the Lord could be felt – “Come ye that love the Lord and let your joys be known”. continue reading

  • January 7, 2014

    Few in Number, Little Flock…

    By Sister Colleen Uiga

    ¡Hola from Argentina! It’s hard to believe that I’ve been living here for the last month and a bit.  Everything seems almost familiar and just a little bit strange, and I find myself saying, “Am I really in Argentina, almost 5000 miles from everywhere I’ve ever lived?” Even harder to believe how it’s beginning to … continue reading

  • December 15, 2013

    Return to Guadalajara


    On Thursday evening October 17th, we arrived in Guadalajara, Mexico for 4 days of ecclesial activities.  Two series of 7 advertised talks were presented to members and friends in two cities, Guadalajara and Ocotlán.  The Biblical themes were Relationships and the One Body.  continue reading

  • Bro. Don Luff shares with us that it was a pleasure to visit the ecclesias in Lima, Peru and La Paz, Bolivia again.  During the final days of June, he received a warm welcome by the members in Lima.  Two advertised public lectures were held at which 4 and 3 visitors attended respectively.  continue reading

  • November 18, 2013

    Fall Events in Guyana

    By Sis. Joan Andrews, edited by Sis. Dolores Sleeper

    As a result of the enthusiasm generated by the Truth Core visit this past summer two baptismal classes have been started in Guyana. They are being conducted in Mocha and New Amsterdam. We started the Mocha class on the 8th Sept. with Derek Jr and Daniel (sons of bro Derek & sis Marlyn Babb), Jed and Jeron (sons of bro Jerrold & sis Elizabeth Joseph), Abigail  (daughter of sis Dawne Semple), Sarafina (a Georgetown youth circler) and Faida (daughter of bro Abedi & sis Bawili N’djelekulu of Kilcoy). continue reading

  • October 28, 2013

    Los Angeles Hispanic Ecclesia

    By Bro. Jim and Sis. Jean Hunter

    The idea of preaching in Spanish in Los Angeles was conceived by brethren in this area who wished to disseminate the Truth among the burgeoning Hispanic portion of the local population. After leaving El Salvador we relocated here at the beginning of 1998 and began to advertise the Bible correspondence course in the Spanish-language newspaper. … continue reading

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