News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • September 2, 2014

    Works of Faith 2014


    Works of Faith appeals spawned from individual brothers, sisters and ecclesias asking us how they can become directly involved in helping the brothers & sisters and ecclesias in mission areas. These projects are above and beyond the normal budgeted items for a missionary country. Works of Faith projects are ideal for a CYC, Sunday School, or a whole ecclesia to adopt. continue reading

  • August 22, 2014

    Puerto Rico – So many churches, so much deception!

    By Brother Don and Sis. Miriam Luff

    For many years, the CBMA has sent correspondence course material to people in Puerto Rico. However, the contacts on this Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean are an enigma. There has been no response to advertised lectures, phone calls receive a cool answer and acceptance to our appeals to visit in contacts homes is minimal – even from those who answer the course with enthusiasm. continue reading

  • July 29, 2014

    Guyana – 43rd Annual Bible School

    By Brother Don Luff

    According to the book by Brother Stanley Owen, “Into all the Word”, the beginnings of the Truth in Guyana goes back as far as the 1890’s.  Following the history of the ecclesias in this country is quite intriguing and encouraging.  continue reading

  • July 14, 2014

    Jamaica Easter Youth Camp – A Perfect Weekend!

    By Brother Shawn and Sister Marnie Snobelen

    Our Journey to Jamaica for the Easter Youth Bible School really started 6 months before we left. Preparation, they say, is the key to a successful trip. Brother Don Luff, from the Brant County ecclesia in Ontario was our designated CBMC support person to help us prepare. And prepare us he did. Monthly meetings, numerous emails, many phone calls, sewing backpacks in the basement, and collecting supplies from the Christadelphian Save the Children Fund (CSTCF) in London Ontario for classes were just a few of the planning steps. continue reading

  • June 18, 2014

    In St. Lucia – Preaching is Living!

    By Bro. Martin & Sis. Lois Webster

    Preaching is always a challenge! Even after many years’ experience it is still a challenge! In the Caribbean country of St. Lucia, Brothers and Sisters have been presenting the gospel for fifteen years. There have been countless discussions with people in an endeavour to turn them “from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God” Friendships have been made, contacts have come and gone, and sadly even some members of the ecclesia no longer attend. continue reading

  • May 20, 2014

    Full of Farewells

    By Sister Colleen Uiga

    I am told that time passes faster as you get older. Although I don't feel any older than I was when I first arrived in Córdoba six months ago, the time has passed more quickly than I could have imagined. I feel that just now I am beginning to understand the culture, beginning to know the people. continue reading

  • May 16, 2014

    New Missionaries in La Paz – First Update

    By Shimon and Jo Spina

    It has been nearly 10 months  since we moved to La Paz, we have had our work cut out adjusting to the culture, learning Spanish and working with the members and contacts. La Paz is a colorful city, blockades, demonstrations and street parades are all very much part of everyday life here, as well as street markets selling everything from fresh trout to cocoa leaves. continue reading

  • May 12, 2014

    Jamaica – Stewardship Workshop at Round Hill Ecclesia

    By Brother Phil Snobelen

    In a number of our Lord’s parables we find an emphasis on the importance of the “faithful and wise steward”.  For several reasons, the CBMJ decided to hold a Stewardship Workshop and the Round Hill Ecclesia hosted it on Saturday, February 15th.  This was follow-up on an evening session at the Yearend Bible School, and an extra activity on the CBMJ 2014 Calendar of Events, which already had 15 items scheduled for this year.  It was therefore uncertain how many would be able to attend.  continue reading