News from the
Mission Field

In an effort to keep you up to date on the activities of the mission ecclesias, we continually collect news and reports from the field.

  • April 14, 2015

    A Baptism in Haiti

    By Bro. Dan Archibald

    In early October I went to Haiti to visit Gironald Julien, a friend I have known since 2010. Our paths would not normally have crossed except for the fact that Gironald, along with his wife Esther, had travelled to Ecuador in 2010 as refugees in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of 200X that left so many homeless. My family and I spent a few months in Ecuador during 2010/2011 and were introduced to Gironald and Esther, who were renting a room from the grandparents of my wife Maribel. continue reading

  • The CBMA/CBMC have been in contact with ACBM since the Cyclone Pam tragedy, and have committed $20,000 AUD of existing relief funds to Australia to help with relief efforts.  If your ecclesia would like to help to replenish our relief funds, or to donate additional funds, please do so via the CBMA/CBMC website at continue reading

  • February 3, 2015

    Guyana Youth Camp – My Personal Experience

    By Bro. Luke Foley

    It’s hot and humid, you’re in a hall with basic facilities miles from the closest ‘civilization’. You’re suffering from lack of sleep and surrounded by arguments. You’re probed with the most obscure Bible questions and you’re here for a week of spiritual stimulation surrounded by laughter, shouting, challenges and friendship. Welcome to Guyana Youth Camp! continue reading

  • ‘Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.’ It is an incredible blessing to be a part of the family of God and this Summer I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting our Brothers and Sisters who sojourn in Latin America whilst awaiting the coming of Messiah. continue reading

  • December 23, 2014

    Chile and Argentina – We Appreciate the Visits!

    By Bro. Robert Alderson

    The challenges that face a small group of isolated brethren is well illustrated in Santiago, Chile. 3 or 4 brethren dotted around a city of 6 million people need to be well coordinated to maintain regular contact. Over the last couple of months of 2014 visits by Brothers Rubén Barboza from Argentina, Nigel Fletcher from Melbourne, Australia, Robert Alderson from New Zealand, Sisters Anne Aucott and Cynthia Miles from England, and Hipólito López from Temuco in the south of Chile have been a stimulus for this small group. continue reading

  • December 2, 2014

    The End?

    By Sister Colleen Uiga

    “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (2 Tim 4:2). There is the command. So we go: at home and abroad. We go quietly, with a word spoken in due season to the tired. We go with the timeless trumpet, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” The fresh young face goes with the energy of youth, the seasoned veteran with the wisdom of experience. We go alone, in pairs or groups. We meet others along the way; some stay for a moment, some for a while. Their memories remain with us when they leave, and we are not the same. continue reading

  • October 31, 2014

    The “Mini World Cup”

    By Brother Brad Butts

    One of the 2014 Truth Corps stops was at the ecclesia in Mt. Grace, Tobago. It was the final week of the four week tour and you might expect that the team would be getting a bit weary after spending three weeks on the road; two weeks in Guyana and one week in Norfolk, Virginia. To the contrary, the team was still going strong as they began their work in Trinidad and Tobago. continue reading

  • September 22, 2014

    Volunteer Opportunities

    By Brother Phil Snobelen

    Spanish Truth Corps members (of all ages) are needed to assist fieldworkers and ecclesias. The ability to speak Spanish is certainly an asset. There is an Immediate opportunity that exists in Panama, Bolivia and Ecuador. continue reading