In the past year, the Santa Cruz el Grande ecclesia was formed. It is located just over an hour from the Guadalajara meeting. in November, the Mexican ecclesias held a Study Weekend in Santa Cruz el Grande, with classes also being held on Sunday in Guadalajara. We are thankful that. Bro. Dennis Paggi was able to lead the weekend classes.
Sis Damaris Cuevas and her two daughters, Sis. Raquel and Sis. Abi, who reside in Campeche, are active in local outreach and following up Google ad course requests from the area. Several persons are studying with Sis. Damaris in Campeche and a lady in a nearby city is receiving baptismal instruction from N. America.
The ecclesias continue to have active outreach efforts near their ecclesial locations and an active correspondence course program.
Mexico: 38 members, 2 ecclesias (Guadalajara, Sta. Cruz la Grande)
Yucatan: 8 members, 2 ecclesias (Merida, Campeche)
Guadalajara, Jalisco Sur
Dennis Paggi
David Collister
Merida, Campeche
Jim Hunter