Languages: Portuguese
Ecclesias: 5 members – no ecclesias
Main Religion: Roman Catholic
Contact: Jim Hunter


The size of the country poses a challenge to outreach, fellowship and pastoral work.

The members are widely scattered. Bro. Emerson Acosta advertises in print media and also generates many contacts on the Internet. The year 2018 saw the baptisms of two young men who had discovered us on the Internet and had been instructed by Emerson and via Skype classes from North America. They now receive post-baptismal classes. Some tune into meetings being broadcast in Spanish by ecclesias in Central America. CBMA workers maintain contact with all members and visit periodically.

There are several interested friends around the country.

News from Brazil
June 4, 2024
Update / Status Report on
By CBMA/C News
Quite a bit of progress has been made in the past few years on a Spanish language online Bible study platform at managed by Bro. Kevin Hunter. As you will see below, he has put together a group of Brothers and Sisters volunteering from all over the world. continue reading
November 14, 2016
Visit to Brazil, Argentina & Paraguay
By Bro. Jim Hunter
One of the challenges of the mission field is providing service to brethren and sisters and contacts in isolation. Email, telephone and Skype are a tremendous help in teaching, maintaining friendships and providing spiritual support. But even then, members need the lift provided by personal visits and it's important to meet and talk personally with promising contacts as they grow in the Truth. With these factors in mind I was able in July and August to visit two brethren and two friends in South America. continue reading
December 2, 2014
The End?
By Sister Colleen Uiga
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” (2 Tim 4:2). There is the command. So we go: at home and abroad. We go quietly, with a word spoken in due season to the tired. We go with the timeless trumpet, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” The fresh young face goes with the energy of youth, the seasoned veteran with the wisdom of experience. We go alone, in pairs or groups. We meet others along the way; some stay for a moment, some for a while. Their memories remain with us when they leave, and we are not the same. continue reading