El Salvador
Languages: Spanish
Ecclesias: 80 members – San Salvador, Sonsonate, Usulután
Main Religion: Roman Catholic
Contact: Jim Hunter


All 3 meetings carry out a full slate of ecclesial and outreach activities under local leadership. The San Salvador Ecclesia broadcasts its Sunday meetings via Skype. A special campaign in San Salvador in late 2018 produced some new interested friends, 2 of whom are studying for baptism. Several other friends and young people are also in preparation for baptism.

The CBMA provides all the ecclesias with advice and financial support for pastoral work and preaching. A local sister handles course requests from Google ads. The Bible school held at the end of every year is well attended both by local members and brethren and sisters from other areas.

News from El Salvador
February 12, 2025
El Salvador Yearend Convivencia (Bible School)
By Bro. Jim & Sis. Jean Hunter (Links for El Salvador)
There are two Bible Schools in Central America, at the end of each year, one in Costa Rica and one in El Salvador. Each year, on an alternating basis, one of the two countries hosts a larger, international school, inviting brothers and sisters from neighboring countries to participate, while the other does a smaller school, mainly for the members of that country. This year it was El Salvador’s turn to host the smaller Bible School. continue reading
June 4, 2024
Update / Status Report on labiblia.com
By CBMA/C News
Quite a bit of progress has been made in the past few years on a Spanish language online Bible study platform at estudios.labiblia.com managed by Bro. Kevin Hunter. As you will see below, he has put together a group of Brothers and Sisters volunteering from all over the world. continue reading
March 11, 2024
El Salvador Bible School
By Bro. Jim & Sis. Jean Hunter
Once again God blessed us with the privilege of attending the school over the New Year's weekend. Visitors from other countries began arriving several days early and were entertained and taken on outings by their Salvadoran hosts. One busload went to the town of Usulután to share the day with the little ecclesia there. They were treated to a delicious lunch followed by a Bible talk. Other days they spent getting to know each other, visiting local parks and lakes and sharing meals. continue reading