Costa Rica
Languages: Spanish
Ecclesias: 45 members – Santa Bárbara, Costa de Pájaros
Main Religion: Roman Catholic


Currently, the Santa Barbara, Heredia group has 45 active members, and an active Sunday School and Youth Group.

Active outreach is accomplished through the postal course, a website with articles published regularly, with a provision for user feedback, and plans for a YouTube channel with weekly talks published. The group also plans and carries out a yearly Bible Weekend. Several are currently studying for baptism.

News from Costa Rica
February 25, 2025
Costa Rica Bible School
By Bro. David Collister, Link Brother for Costa Rica
I arrived in Costa Rica after an overnight “red-eye“ flight to participate in the 2024 Costa Rica Bible School. Brother Alex Alfaro picked me up and took me straight to the ecclesial hall where everyone had gathered to organize before leaving for the campground. It was nice to meet up with some of the Costa Ricans, as well as meeting some of the Panamanians for the first time. continue reading
June 4, 2024
Update / Status Report on
By CBMA/C News
Quite a bit of progress has been made in the past few years on a Spanish language online Bible study platform at managed by Bro. Kevin Hunter. As you will see below, he has put together a group of Brothers and Sisters volunteering from all over the world. continue reading
March 11, 2024
Beautiful Costa Rica
By Bro. David Collister
Costa Rica is a beautiful country with a warm, tropical climate year-round. The beaches, highly sought out by tourists, can be quite hot and humid, but the central valley, where many of the major cities are located, is about 4,000 feet (1,160 meters) above sea level, and because of this, the temperatures there are quite temperate. continue reading