Puerto Rico

A number of contacts are receiving correspondence courses, some by mail and others via labiblia.com. The three members living on the island (1 in San Juan and 2 in Ponce) appreciate visits by English or Spanish speaking brothers and sisters: contact the link man for information. Spanish-language printed material and recorded talks continue to be sent weekly.
News from Puerto Rico
August 22, 2014
Puerto Rico – So many churches, so much deception!
By Brother Don and Sis. Miriam Luff
For many years, the CBMA has sent correspondence course material to people in Puerto Rico. However, the contacts on this Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean are an enigma. There has been no response to advertised lectures, phone calls receive a cool answer and acceptance to our appeals to visit in contacts homes is minimal – even from those who answer the course with enthusiasm. continue reading
March 19, 2014
Christmas Vacation in Puerto Rico
By Brother Martin and Sister Kathy Owen
Puerto Rico is one of the bigger islands in the Caribbean with a population of close to 4 million. It is an American territory or commonwealth and Puerto Ricans have US citizenship. continue reading
December 9, 2012
Puerto Rico – Few in Number
By Bro. Don Luff
Due to advertisements in the Readers Digest during the Year of Witness efforts in 1976, individuals in Puerto Rico have been receiving Christadelphian correspondence courses and literature since the late 1970’s. Baptisms resulted from the efforts of missionaries and short term field workers during the 1980’s. Nevertheless, due to a variety of circumstances, it has … continue reading